Accounts Receivable
Soledad Ortiz, Accounting Group Supervisor
Phone: 956-872-4651
The Accounts Receivable department is the centralized billing and collection point for delinquent or bad debt student accounts and third party accounts.
The responsibilities of the department:
- Provide timely and accurate statements to students with delinquent or bad debt accounts and invoice third party entities.
- Reconcile students, third party, emergency loan, and agency accounts in a timely manner.
- Maintain the student charge and payment table to accurately record transactions to the appropriate accounts.
- Prepare monthly management reports on third party revenue and expenditure accounts.
- Collect on delinquent and bad debt accounts by submitting accounts on a regular basis to the College's collection agency.
- Monthly review and reporting of the College's revenues.
- Implement, maintain, and enhance the Campus Loan Management (CLM) data. The CLM module assists in generating monthly statements and collecting outstanding emergency loan balances.