1098T Form
South Texas College has 1098-Ts available through JagNet.
Printing Steps:
- Log in to Jag-Net at https://jagnet.southtexascollege.edu
- On the menu bar (left side) click: $ Student Accounts
- Click: 1098-T under Payment and Account Information
- Enter Tax Year (example: 2024) and click: Submit
Advantages of an Electronic 1098-T
- Available for immediate printing once it becomes available
- No waiting for regular mail or lost mail
Steps to Opt-In/Out to receive your 1098-T electronically:
- Once logged in Jag-Net a pop-up may automatically appear in order to opt-in to receive your 1098-T electronically.
- To opt-out of a 1098-T in electronic format, student may withdraw consent by presenting in writing a withdrawal request to the Cashier Office at South Texas College.
STC cannot give legal, tax or accounting advice or determine if students qualify for a tax credit or deduction. Consult your tax professional or the IRS Publication 970 Tax Benefits for Education.
1098-T FAQs Form
What is a Form 1098-T?
All eligible educational institutions must file a Form 1098-T for each qualifying student for whom a reportable transaction is made during the calendar tax year.
Why did I receive a 1098-T tax form? Am I eligible to claim a tax credit?
Our records show that you had eligible payments during tax year in question. STC cannot give tax advice; consult your tax professional or visit IRS publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education at: https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-publication-970.
How do I obtain the 1098-T form?
- Log in to Jag-Net at https://jagnet.southtexascollege.edu
- On the menu bar (left side) click: $ Student Accounts Click: 1098-T under Payment and Account Information
- Enter Tax Year (example: 2024) and click: Submit
How do I reset my JagNet password?
- Students that attended in the prior year can contact Help Desk at 956-872-2111.
- Students not able to reactivate the account, may request it in person at any cashier’s office.
When am I receiving the 1098-T form?
STC is required to make 1098T’s available by January 31, 2025.
Why did I receive a 1098-T if I never attended classes at STC?
For 2024, Box 4 or 6 adjustments to prior year will be reported even if no attendance to class in 2024.
Why didn't I receive a 1098-T if I was enrolled in STC? Exceptions are:
- Continuing Education students do not receive a 1098T
- Scholarships or grants exceed or equal payments for 2024.
What if a parent requests the 1098T?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations allows STC to give information only to the student.
Form 1098T - Tuition Statement is filed with the Internal Revenue Service by January 31, 2025.
The amounts are for the calendar year January 1 to December 31, 2024.
Explanation of Boxes:
- Box 1: Payments less reimbursements or refunds.
- Box 2: Reserved for future use.
- Box 3: Reserved for future use.
- Box 4: Payments adjustments for prior year.
- Box 5: Scholarships and Grants received.
- Box 6: Scholarships and Grants Adjustments for prior year.
- Box 7: Checked if Box 1 includes amounts for period January-March 2025.
- Box 8: If the student was enrolled at least half time.
- Box 9: Check if graduate student – does not apply /blank
- Box 10: Insurance contract reimbursement – does not apply/blank