Bid Request Timeline

1st Month

Weeks 1 & 2
Requisition is encumbered at Purchasing Department. If amount is greater than $10,000; bidding process begins.

Purchasing Gathers information needed from department and develops specifications. 1-2 weeks depending on requisition and response time form department.*

Weeks 3 & 4
Advertise bid for a minimum of 2 weeks

2nd Month

Weeks 5
Analyze bid results & specify recommended source in conjunction with user departments.

Weeks 6 & 7
Recommendations are submitted for board approval one (1) month prior to Board Meeting.**

Weeks 8
Pending Board Approval

3rd Month

Weeks 9 & 10

Pending Board Approval

Weeks 11 & 12
If bid recommendations are approved by the Board, purchase orders are processed, signed and sent to vendor for purchase of items or services.

4th Month

Weeks 13 - 20
Pending Board Approval

Weeks 11 & 12
Delivery time varies from immediately to 8 weeks after receipt of purchase order; depending on the type of item or service that is being ordered.

* Note: The development of specifications is a critical and integral part of the bid process and must be finalized by both purchasing and end users.

**Note: The month that the item is submitted to the Board for approval depends on the exact date of requisition encumbrance.
i.e. If the requisition is submitted after the 3rd week deadline, then it must be held until the following month.

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