Facilities Planning and Construction

Facilities Planning & Construction is responsible for the planning and construction of capital improvement projects for the entire STC district. Facilities Planning & Construction is also responsible for coordinating with design professionals for the design of new and renovated facilities, coordinating with construction firms during construction, maintaining construction documents of all buildings, updating and maintaining space inventory software, approving and coordinating the relocation of faculty and staff, managing the use of leased facilities and monitoring the purchases of furniture.


South Texas College has adopted a standard line of furniture that should be ordered by all STC departments. This enables offices and classrooms to have a pleasant and professional appearance, while providing equal accommodation. Therefore every department is asked to choose from the line of furniture that is currently being used at their workplace. Purchasing will not order any furniture without review by Facilities Planning & Construction.

Click on the buttons below to see a list of the furniture available for every area:


To obtain the current pricing for these items, please check with the Purchasing Department for a quote.


Any department planning to relocate faculty, staff, furniture or equipment must submit a Move/Setup request to the Facilities Planning and Construction (FPC) department for approval. This will ensure that FPC maintains accurate space inventory and coordination with other departments involved with the move process.

Submitting a Move/Setup Request

  1. Use the Move/Setup link on this page or JagNet and select the type of move needed.
  2. Use the Instruction Manual located on this page to answer most questions.
  3. After submitting the request, the client will receive Financial Manager and Site Coordinator approval through Banner workflow.
  4. Upon receiving the request FPC will determine if the request is feasible and meets all standards.
  5. FPC will notify the client if the request has been approved or disapproved via e-mail, once approved it will take a minimum of 2 weeks to schedule.
  6. Upon approval FPC will notify the client of the scheduled date and will coordinate with the other departments involved.
  7. Upon completion of the move the client may pick up any keys requested from the Operations and Maintenance department and will need to notify Public Relations and Marketing of any changes to your new location and phone number.

Capital Improvement

South Texas College has developed a Capital Improvement Proposal (CIP) process for the use of requesting projects. CIPs are construction related projects for new construction, renovations, improvements, and additions to existing facilities. These are for any construction projects with an estimated value of over $5,000. The requestor will need to submit a Capital Improvement Proposal form and a Capital Improvement Proposal Integrated Planning Criteria form using the available Downloadable Forms.

The submitted CIPs will be evaluated based on the criteria and budgets will be developed for each proposal. If the CIP is approved, it will be included in the College’s Master Planning construction process.


  1. Proposal requests that are estimated to be less than $5,000 in construction costs and are minor modifications to spaces should use the Space Modification or Reallocation Request form.
  2. Work Orders for repairs to be submitted through the College’s Facilities Operations & Maintenance Department via email at maintenance@southtexascollege.edu or phone at 956-872-7252.

Space Modification

South Texas College has developed a Space Modification or Reallocation process for any modifications or reallocations of spaces in any of the College’s building facilities. These requests are typically minor modifications or changes to building spaces and are estimated to be less than $5,000 in construction costs. Examples of such modifications or changes are the relocation or addition of doors, windows, walls, and subdividing spaces. Also this request will be used for reallocating or changing a space use into another type of space use. Examples would be converting a storage space into an office, or converting a classroom into a computer lab. The requestor will need to submit a Space Modification or Reallocation Request Form to the Facilities Planning and Construction department using the available Downloadable Form.


  1. Proposal requests estimated to be more than $5,000 in construction costs are considered Capital Improvement Proposals (CIP) and requestors should submit those requests using the available downloadable Capital Improvement Proposal and the Capital Improvement Proposal Integrated Planning Criteria forms.
  2. Work Orders for repairs to be submitted through the College's Facilities Operations & Maintenance Department via email at maintenance@southtexascollege.edu or phone at 956-872-7252.

Owner Change Request

South Texas College has developed the “ FPC 5100 - Owner Change Request Form” for change requests by the Owner (College) related to construction projects. The form will describe the change in the construction contract including the project name, requestor, department, description, and reason for change. The request will be reviewed by the Facilities Planning & Construction table and project team. An estimate will be provided for the construction change and an estimated design fee cost if applicable.

Additional approvals will be required by the President and Vice President with recommendations from the Facilities Committee to the Board for approval.

Once the change request is approved by the Board, a change order will be issued to the Contractor for inclusion in the construction contract. Form FPC 5100 – Owner Change Request Form is available for download in our Downloadable Forms section.

Faculty and Staff Name Plate and Bracket Request

To request Name Plates, please complete form below. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery. Nameplate orders are only accepted between September 1st and May 31st.

  1. Please complete the form below.
    • Carefully review the completed order form for accuracy before submitting.
    • Once order has been placed, no changes will be accepted.
    • No attachments will be accepted.
  2. Financial Manager will receive confirmation of department purchase through email and must forward approval of purchase via email to Tania Oliva, tolivama@southtexascollege.edu.
  3. Name plate order will be reviewed and coordinated with vendor by the Facilities Planning & Construction Department.
    • No drafts will be provided to the requesting department.
  4. Requestor will receive the name plate and the associated Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT).
  5. Requestor must submit the IDT to the FPC Department within 10 business days.

The nameplate order form is currently closed, pending release of the new college logo.
For more info call 956-872-3737.


Dir Fac Planning & Construction

Department Contact

Pecan Campus, Bldg. N, Suite 179
3200 W. Pecan Blvd.
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: 956-872-3737
Fax: 956-872-3747

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