South Texas College
Check Register
For Period 06/01/2023 To 06/30/2023
1.50 Cleaners  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023  $                640.00
1.50 Cleaners  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     474.00
1.50 Cleaners  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                     102.00
5 Star GC Construction LLC  Constr Improve Land 6/7/2023               22,775.30
5 Star GC Construction LLC  Constr Improve Land 6/28/2023            277,854.29
8A Builders LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/28/2023                 9,800.00
ADI  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       23.43
ADI  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     187.96
ADI  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     527.98
ADT Commercial LLC  Security Services 6/13/2023                       68.01
AIM Media Texas  Advertising Services 6/13/2023                 2,375.00
AT&T Corp  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                         7.00
AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center  Travel In-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     548.40
AT&T Mobility LLC  Telecom Rental 6/14/2023               11,216.30
AT&T Mobility LLC  Telecom Rental 6/28/2023                 2,462.13
ATIXA  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                     799.00
ATIXA  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                     349.00
AVIXA Inc  License Fees 6/7/2023                     150.00
Able City LLC  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/28/2023               18,226.76
Aboytes Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     200.43
Abra Electronics Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                 8,538.25
Abraham Daffodils Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.11)
Abraham Daffodils Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Abraham Daffodils Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                     117.75
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                     950.00
Adame Marittza Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (189.60)
Adame Marittza Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     237.00
Adame Marittza Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                     167.00
Adames Ana Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     135.89
Advance Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     147.67
Advance Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     145.23
Advance Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/27/2023                     106.43
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 6/14/2023                 1,618.50
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                     282.75
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                     848.25
Advanced Exercise  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/14/2023               13,158.21
Advanced Exercise  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                 5,874.20
Advanced Exercise  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023               66,254.00
Advanced Exercise  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023               29,172.00
Advanced Exercise  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 5,340.99
Adventureland Academy 2 LLC  Child Care Services 6/28/2023                     380.00
Air Comm Corporation  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       20.00
Air Comm Corporation  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 1,760.00
Airgas USA LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                 1,581.61
Airgas USA LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                 2,654.90
Airgas USA LLC  Other Fees & Charges 6/13/2023                       71.79
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/13/2023                     924.50
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/27/2023                     419.11
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     894.77
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     177.80
Alamo Iron Works  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                       25.00
Alamo Iron Works  Freight Delivery 6/27/2023                       50.00
Alamo Iron Works  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                     330.00
Alamo Iron Works  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/27/2023                     233.73
Alamo Iron Works  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 2,975.00
All Affairs and Occasions  Food Purchased 6/14/2023                     390.00
All Affairs and Occasions  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       40.00
All Affairs and Occasions  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Privat 6/28/2023                     402.00
All Affairs and Occasions  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                 1,146.00
Alma's Daycare Center  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     720.00
Alonso Maria Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     521.38
Alpha and Omega Cleaning Services LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                     550.00
Amatrol Inc  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     154.83
Amer Sign  Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                     850.00
American Assn of Hispanics in Higher Education  Membership Dues 6/13/2023                 2,000.00
American Assn of Teachers of Spanish  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     400.00
American Button Machines  Consumables 6/14/2023                     156.95
American Button Machines  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       75.19
American Button Machines  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     379.95
American Databank LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/27/2023                 1,320.00
American Floor Mats  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 2,370.00
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants  Membership Dues 6/13/2023                     340.00
American Library Assn  Subscriptions 6/28/2023                 1,713.00
American Meterological Society  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/27/2023                     149.00
American Payroll Association  Membership Dues 6/7/2023                     298.00
American Red Cross  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/6/2023                     812.00
American Society of Health System Pharmacists  Membership Dues 6/13/2023                       54.00
American Sociological Assn  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     250.00
American Welding Society Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/27/2023                 1,680.00
Amigos Library Services  Subscriptions 6/7/2023                     825.00
Anatomy Warehouse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,003.20
Anatomy Warehouse  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 2,839.20
Anatomy Warehouse  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     678.60
AndyMark Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     107.16
AndyMark Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     251.00
AndyMark Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       14.34
Angangan Brent Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     220.00
Apple Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 6/14/2023                     395.00
Apple Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 3,575.00
Appraisal & Collection Technologies LLC  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/7/2023                     249.00
Aqua Tech  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       60.00
Archer Joseph Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     445.55
Art's Trucks & Equipment  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                 2,004.08
Art's Trucks & Equipment  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                     142.00
Asociacion Nacional de Grupo  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                     542.78
Association for Early Learning Leaders  Accreditation Fees 6/28/2023                     415.00
Association of Community College Trustees  Membership Dues 6/7/2023                 9,120.00
Atencion Selecta LLC  Food Purchased 6/27/2023                 1,775.00
Authentic  Promo Items 6/6/2023                 2,130.00
Authentic  Promo Items 6/14/2023                 8,030.00
Authentic  Promo Items 6/28/2023                 7,133.50
Avance Inc  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/7/2023                 1,169.39
Avila Ludivina Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (264.96)
Avila Ludivina Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     331.20
Avila Ludivina Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                       31.93
Avila Priscilla Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (107.52)
Avila Priscilla Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     134.40
Avila Priscilla Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       90.00
Avila Priscilla Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     314.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 6/7/2023                     176.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 6/14/2023                     611.80
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     400.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     156.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                         5.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       15.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                         5.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       10.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 6/7/2023                     (21.24)
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                       56.63
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 6/21/2023                     299.57
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 6/28/2023                       69.06
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     954.72
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       60.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       36.90
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                     289.95
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     125.31
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     379.66
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                       36.72
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                 1,620.45
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                       89.65
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       72.58
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023                 3,640.63
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023                 1,100.79
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,197.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     775.25
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 5,497.41
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 2,834.44
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     179.97
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,671.87
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 1,610.36
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,171.33
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     546.26
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Telecom Parts/supplies 6/7/2023                     518.94
B2Z Engineering LLC  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/28/2023                 2,084.15
BWE II LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/21/2023                       38.40
Bake A Cake  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 6/14/2023                       61.49
Balboa Samantha Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       11.06
Baldado Michelle Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (467.71)
Baldado Michelle Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Baldado Michelle Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     334.60
Balli's Social and Event Center  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/7/2023                 2,392.00
Banda Luis Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       24.76
Bar B Cutie Smokehouse  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     262.50
Barnes & Noble Booksellers Inc  Books & Reference Materials 6/14/2023                       71.90
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers LLC  Books & Reference Materials 6/7/2023                       88.13
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers LLC  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 6/7/2023                     521.74
Baudville Inc  Freight Delivery 6/20/2023                       17.55
Baudville Inc  Repro & Print Services 6/20/2023                     119.99
Bazaldua Hector Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     (89.68)
Bazaldua Hector Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     112.10
Bazaldua Hector Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     111.61
Benavides Eduardo Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       83.32
Beren Medical Sales & Services  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/14/2023               10,624.00
Beta Technology Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                     659.60
Big John Site Serves  Other Fees & Charges 6/21/2023                       50.00
Big John Site Serves  Rent Equipment 6/21/2023                     200.00
Blanco Cynthia Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     556.11
Blick Art Materials LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                     389.38
Blick Art Materials LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/28/2023                       24.08
Blick Art Materials LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     175.62
Blick Art Materials LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     526.86
Bobrowicz Heather Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (89.68)
Bobrowicz Heather Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     112.10
Book Oven Inc  Data Hosting Services 6/14/2023               10,499.00
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/7/2023               18,501.75
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/14/2023               18,840.00
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                     244.97
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     353.48
Bright Beginnings Learning Center  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     333.00
Brownsville Sports Center Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                 1,229.71
Broyles Dan Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                       10.21
Buchli Richard Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (153.60)
Buchli Richard Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     179.20
Buchli Richard Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       20.11
Bug Off Pest Control  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     245.00
Bug Off Pest Control  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                     120.00
Bugariu Katarina Registration Fees 6/28/2023                     250.00
Bugariu Katarina Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (107.52)
Bugariu Katarina Travel Out-of-State Airfare 6/28/2023                     427.80
Bugariu Katarina Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/28/2023                     686.07
Bugariu Katarina Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     134.40
Bugariu Katarina Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                     136.57
Builders FirstSource Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       25.00
Builders FirstSource Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     245.60
Burton Companies LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                     457.65
Burton Companies LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     460.57
Burton Companies LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023                 4,855.72
Burton Companies LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 1,226.58
Burton Companies LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     897.34
Bush Supply Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                     692.20
Bush Supply Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     807.22
Bush Supply Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     236.00
Bush Supply Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                 3,498.39
Bush Supply Company  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     310.00
Bush Supply Company  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     120.00
Butcher Zachary Unclaimed - Employee 6/28/2023                 2,841.92
C & S Safety Supply  Consumables 6/14/2023                     699.90
C & S Safety Supply  Consumables 6/21/2023                     349.95
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 6/7/2023                 2,738.69
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                       44.54
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 6/21/2023                     424.68
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 6/28/2023                 5,610.71
CDW Government  Consultant Services-Computer 6/7/2023                     267.82
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       26.81
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       11.27
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       21.01
CDW Government  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/7/2023                 5,050.76
CDW Government  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     171.12
CDW Government  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     353.75
CDW Government  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,452.72
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,360.75
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     108.53
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 9,876.23
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     203.14
CDW Government  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       20.66
CDW Government  Telecom Parts/supplies 6/21/2023                     241.19
CMC Government Supply  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                     145.80
CMC Government Supply  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       39.70
CPR Services  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/21/2023                     270.00
CPR Services  License Fees 6/28/2023                 4,941.00
CRC  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,455.00
CRC  M&R Computer Equipment 6/14/2023                     610.00
CRC  M&R Computer Equipment 6/28/2023                 1,371.00
CRC  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,539.00
CRC  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 6,591.00
CV Industrial Hardware LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     152.00
CV Industrial Hardware LLC  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       45.00
Cabrera Jose Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 1,800.00
Cabrera Marco Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     289.51
Caesars Palace  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     675.76
Caesars Palace  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     615.66
Camacho Claudia Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (148.48)
Camacho Claudia Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     185.60
Campos Jesus Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     221.20
Campos Jesus Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       81.61
Canon Financial Services Inc  Rent Copiers 6/27/2023                     875.67
Canon Financial Services Inc  Rent Copiers 6/28/2023                     265.71
Cantu Alexandra Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       28.82
Cantu Daniel Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                 1,107.67
Cantu's Special Events  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       35.00
Cantu's Special Events  Rent Equipment 6/14/2023                     215.00
Cantu's Special Events  Rent Equipment 6/28/2023                     510.00
Canva US Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/27/2023                     119.99
Cardio Partners Inc  Consumables 6/6/2023                     444.97
Cardio Partners Inc  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                       16.88
Cardio Partners Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     957.60
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     579.78
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                 3,177.62
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     243.80
Carolina Biological Supply  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                         8.95
Carolina Biological Supply  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                     200.00
Carreno Juan Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       49.52
Carreon Nadia Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     632.73
Carrillo Lillian Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       22.27
Casas Victor Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     390.90
Castillo Ana Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (296.00)
Castillo Ana Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     370.00
Castro Aimee Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (525.58)
Castro Aimee Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     147.20
Castro Aimee Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     118.00
Castro Aimee Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     407.82
Cavallo Energy Texas LLC  Electricity 6/14/2023            241,574.51
Cavazos Rebecca Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (107.52)
Cavazos Rebecca Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     134.40
Cazares David Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       90.39
Celtek Serkan Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (193.20)
Celtek Serkan Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     241.50
Celtek Serkan Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                       94.84
Central Fence & Supply LTD  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     162.24
Central Fence & Supply LTD  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     712.03
Central Fence & Supply LTD  Land Improvements 6/21/2023                     515.00
Central Plumbing & Electric Supply  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/28/2023                 1,764.85
Central Plumbing & Electric Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     312.65
Cerda Dyer Hector Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     515.16
Certiport  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     740.18
Chapa Jason Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (479.56)
Chapa Jason Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                       83.20
Chapa Jason Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       60.62
Chapa Jason Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     387.40
Chapa Raquel Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       16.56
Charles Clark Chevrolet Co  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                 1,578.97
Charles-Garza Sandra Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     176.95
Chicago Marriott Downtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     700.88
Chicago Marriott Downtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     771.42
Chick Fil A 27th & Nolana  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     119.00
Chick Fil A 27th & Nolana  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     165.80
Chick Fil A Rio Grande City  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     166.25
Citibank NA  P Card Charges and Fees 6/7/2023                 1,948.34
City of Edinburg  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                 3,570.00
City of McAllen  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                     500.00
City of McAllen  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/7/2023                 9,038.38
City of McAllen  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/21/2023               18,193.70
City of Mission  Rent Facilities 6/7/2023                 1,112.50
City of Pharr  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/28/2023                     804.82
City of Rio Grande City  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/7/2023                 3,012.93
City of Weslaco  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                     130.00
City of Weslaco  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/7/2023                     106.78
City of Weslaco  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/21/2023                 7,458.46
City of Weslaco  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/28/2023                       99.31
Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                 1,000.00
Competency Based Education Network  Membership Dues 6/7/2023                 2,000.00
Comptroller of Public Accounts  Due to State 6/28/2023                 4,739.73
Comptroller of Public Accounts  Unclaimed - Employee 6/28/2023                       10.39
Computer Comforts Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                 4,700.00
Computer Comforts Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023               26,136.72
Computer Comforts Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 6,212.40
Computer Comforts Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     420.00
Confetti Unlimited  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/28/2023                 2,652.95
Confetti Unlimited  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       35.00
Continental Battery Co  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,617.68
Convergent Information Security Solutions LLC  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/28/2023                 2,349.00
Copy Zone  Repro & Print Services 6/6/2023                     165.61
Corona Ruben Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     122.09
Correa Alicia Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (220.70)
Correa Alicia Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     276.00
Correa Alicia Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       70.00
Counseling Center of South Texas  Registration Fees 6/28/2023                     150.00
Crowne Plaza Hotel Seattle  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/28/2023                 1,385.89
Crowne Plaza Hotel Seattle  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/28/2023                 1,385.89
Cut Rate Batteries LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                     883.50
D Tronics LTD  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                     455.00
D&G Custom Cabinets  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     416.00
DDI Capital  Data Hosting Services 6/8/2023               61,493.45
Danny's Pawn & Sporting Goods  Ammunition 6/21/2023                     492.71
Danny's Pawn & Sporting Goods  Uniforms 6/14/2023                     419.93
Danny's Pawn & Sporting Goods  Uniforms 6/28/2023                 2,886.50
Datum Storage Solutions  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,269.09
Datum Storage Solutions  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                     135.00
Davila Ana Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (108.56)
Davila Ana Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     135.70
Davila Ana Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     109.32
Davila Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       34.06
Davila Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       83.25
Davis Bradley Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (226.32)
Davis Bradley Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     282.90
Davis Bradley Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       53.74
Davis Kelli Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     122.88
De Alba Plumbing  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/21/2023                 9,000.00
De La Cruz Antonio Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     247.20
De La Rosa Olivia Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (821.78)
De La Rosa Olivia Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     230.40
De La Rosa Olivia Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                     101.00
De La Rosa Olivia Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     611.86
De Leon Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       24.89
De Leon Rebecca Registration Fees 6/21/2023                       50.00
De Leon Rebecca Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     (66.56)
De Leon Rebecca Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                       83.20
De Leon Rebecca Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                     135.25
De Leon Rebecca Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       81.29
DeGuzman Esguerra Raquel Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     313.09
Dealers Electrical Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       17.43
Dealers Electrical Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                     466.45
Deleon Maria Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       11.50
Deleon Maria Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     236.32
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 6/7/2023                       55.03
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                     531.91
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 6/21/2023                 1,256.64
Dell Marketing LP  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023               10,196.94
Dell Marketing LP  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023               98,068.74
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 9,046.59
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,232.42
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 1,144.44
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023            424,191.12
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     753.00
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     962.71
Delta Specialty Signs & Supplies  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       25.00
Delta Specialty Signs & Supplies  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     313.60
Demco Inc  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                     115.51
Demco Inc  Freight Delivery 6/27/2023                     425.00
Demco Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/27/2023                 4,316.40
Demco Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     459.99
Demco Inc  Office Supplies 6/13/2023                     299.23
Department of Information Resources  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                 1,353.20
Department of Information Resources  Phone Service 6/28/2023                     176.69
Department of Information Resources  Telecom Rental 6/28/2023                 9,828.11
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/28/2023            170,823.30
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                 1,768.10
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                     659.17
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023               28,000.00
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/21/2023               13,189.00
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     303.90
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/27/2023                     360.95
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                 3,670.95
Diaz Eduardo License Fees 6/21/2023                     175.00
Diaz Floors & Interiors Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     380.00
Diaz Jr Ruben Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       40.87
Digi Security Systems LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       74.34
Digi Security Systems LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 1,239.02
Digi Security Systems LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     350.22
Digi Security Systems LLC  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/14/2023                     443.12
Digital Intelligence Inc  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/7/2023            102,830.70
Discount School Supply  Consumables 6/13/2023                       43.82
Discount School Supply  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/13/2023                     422.19
Discount School Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                     233.81
Discount School Supply  Office Supplies 6/13/2023                       51.90
Displays2Go  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                     220.88
Displays2Go  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,094.98
Doggett Freightliner of South Texas LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/7/2023                     592.47
Doggett Freightliner of South Texas LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                 3,510.43
Dominguez Romaldo Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (422.84)
Dominguez Romaldo Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                       76.80
Dominguez Romaldo Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                     108.00
Dominguez Romaldo Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     361.40
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     464.41
Doubletree Austin  Travel In-State Hotel 6/21/2023                     309.61
Downtown Cleveland Marriott at Key Tower  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     764.93
Downtown Cleveland Marriott at Key Tower  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/27/2023                 1,321.89
Dream Designs  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     297.00
Dynamism Inc  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                     669.00
Dynamism Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       14.02
EAN Holdings LLC  Other Fees & Charges 6/21/2023                       13.12
EAN Holdings LLC  Rent Vehicles 6/28/2023                     534.40
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 6/7/2023                     127.78
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 6/14/2023                     881.62
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 6/28/2023                     915.55
EBSCO Information Services  Subscriptions 6/7/2023                     157.43
EGV Architects Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/14/2023               43,424.65
Echo Travel Agency  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       70.00
Echo Travel Agency  Travel In-State Airfare 6/7/2023                     534.96
Echo Travel Agency  Travel In-State Airfare 6/14/2023                     560.79
Echo Travel Agency  Travel In-State Airfare 6/28/2023                 1,230.80
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 6/7/2023                 3,690.60
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 6/14/2023               20,921.98
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 6/28/2023                 2,161.21
Economy Wheel Alignment  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                     100.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educational Technology Collaborative  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     700.00
Educause  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       77.00
Ellucian Company LP  Consultant Services-Computer 6/14/2023               10,000.00
EnamelPins Inc  Repro & Print Services 6/13/2023                     476.80
Engineer Supply LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                     125.86
Engineer Supply LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     368.52
Engineer Supply LLC  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       76.95
Engineer Supply LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,633.98
Entravision Communication Corporation  Advertising Services 6/28/2023               12,265.50
Escobedo Jorge Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (51.19)
Escobedo Jorge Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                       64.00
Esguerra Elmer Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (290.72)
Esguerra Elmer Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     363.40
Esguerra Elmer Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                       41.73
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (153.47)
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (607.33)
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel In-State Hotel 6/21/2023                     137.69
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                       94.40
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     236.80
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       77.95
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     417.89
Espino Hazell Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 1,440.00
Espinoza Deena Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       87.51
Esquivel Avalos Sergio Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       58.95
Evans Maria Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     316.00
Evans Maria Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     221.46
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                     655.20
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                     808.69
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 6/21/2023                     820.08
Fairway Supply Inc  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                       36.80
Fairway Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                 1,857.37
Fairway Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     143.80
Fairway Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,759.00
Fairway Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     176.00
Fairway Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 3,120.00
Fairway Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     515.40
Fastenal Company  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                       98.64
Fastenal Company  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       37.31
Fastenal Company  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                       27.88
Fastenal Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     383.56
Fastenal Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     659.12
Fastsigns  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     100.00
Fastsigns  Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                       43.37
FedEx Office and Print Services  Repro & Print Services 6/7/2023                     121.48
FedEx Office and Print Services  Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                     845.90
FedEx Office and Print Services  Repro & Print Services 6/28/2023                     989.10
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/6/2023                       42.64
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/6/2023                     153.99
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/7/2023                       45.32
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/21/2023                     260.11
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/27/2023                       62.43
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 6/28/2023                       17.41
Ferguson Enterprises LLC  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       20.00
Ferguson Enterprises LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     388.61
Ferguson Enterprises LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,758.76
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                 3,385.50
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,340.01
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       40.00
Flinn Scientific Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                       56.04
Floral & Craft Expressions  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                     967.50
Flores Joel Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       38.78
Futuros Lideres Learning Center LLC  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     180.00
G & S Glass LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/14/2023                 2,283.40
G & S Glass LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/7/2023                     599.72
GED Testing Service LLC  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/13/2023                 1,305.00
GT Distributors Inc  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                     147.27
GT Distributors Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023                 2,587.46
GT Distributors Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,289.96
GT Distributors Inc  Uniforms 6/28/2023                 6,806.80
GT Distributors Inc  Weapon Accessories 6/28/2023                     177.48
GTSimulators by Global Technologies  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023                 1,844.00
Gadson Mark Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     254.55
Galloso Jessica Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     171.11
Garcia Adriana Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/28/2023                       69.00
Garcia Esequiel Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       22.27
Garcia Fence Co  Land Improvements 6/14/2023                 4,450.00
Garcia III Reyes Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 2,400.00
Garcia Mariadelcarmen Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (198.72)
Garcia Mariadelcarmen Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     248.40
Garcia Mariadelcarmen Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     149.42
Garcia Mariadelcarmen Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       59.47
Garcia Melinda Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     248.40
Garcia Nataly Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     199.12
Garcia Rogelio Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/28/2023                       98.00
Garcia Vania Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Garcia-Becerra Yesenia Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Gartner Inc  Consultant Services-Computer 6/7/2023               44,752.00
Garza Atenea Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (170.10)
Garza Atenea Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                       88.50
Garza Atenea Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       99.30
Garza Julie Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     179.47
Garza Myra Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     168.99
Garza Rommel Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     123.53
Gas Cylinder Source  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       99.26
Gas Cylinder Source  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     657.60
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 6/7/2023                 5,061.09
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                 6,598.34
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 6/21/2023                 2,538.21
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 6/28/2023                     719.41
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 6/7/2023                     772.53
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 6/14/2023                     440.81
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 6/21/2023                       72.57
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 6/28/2023                       61.98
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                       89.99
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,206.18
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/21/2023                     215.64
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                     137.20
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                     102.96
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                       50.51
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023                 2,634.56
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     589.12
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,002.49
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     522.58
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     740.14
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,039.93
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 4,265.19
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                 3,115.01
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     731.63
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 6/7/2023               11,360.19
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 6/14/2023               24,405.59
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 6/21/2023                 5,612.27
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 6/28/2023                 6,315.37
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 1,507.50
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       54.00
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                 1,915.00
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                       55.00
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                       90.00
Gaumard Scientific Co Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     195.00
Gaumard Scientific Co Inc  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       23.00
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     944.48
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,144.06
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     189.79
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     954.27
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     189.79
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     954.27
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,300.80
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Ctr  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                 1,300.80
Gaylord Texan Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                 1,065.32
Gaylord Texan Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                 1,335.50
Gaylord Texan Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     630.03
Gaytan David Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     530.52
Gecko Labs Inc  Data Hosting Services 6/27/2023                 8,000.00
Global Equipment Co Inc  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                         9.99
Global Equipment Co Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     144.86
Gomez Gregorie Registration Fees 6/21/2023                       50.00
Gomez Gregorie Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (148.48)
Gomez Gregorie Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     185.60
Gomez Jeanette Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       71.79
Gomez Victor Travel-Car Rental 6/28/2023                 2,245.37
Gomez Victor Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                 1,405.66
Gonzalez Carlos Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     124.45
Gonzalez Guadalupe Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (179.20)
Gonzalez Guadalupe Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     224.00
Gonzalez Guadalupe Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     306.54
Gonzalez Maria Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       15.09
Gonzalez Sefra Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     205.21
Gonzalez Yvette Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (157.96)
Gonzalez Yvette Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     172.80
Gonzalez Yvette Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     198.43
Grammarly Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/21/2023                 1,440.00
Grande Butane Co Inc  Fuels & Lubricants 6/20/2023                       69.80
Guajardo Barbara Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       41.53
Guajardo Javier Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     248.40
Guerrero Guajardo Edgar Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (458.00)
Guerrero Guajardo Edgar Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                       76.70
Guerrero Guajardo Edgar Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     573.78
Guevara Garza Lizett Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     550.09
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 6/6/2023                     288.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 6/13/2023                 2,130.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 6/27/2023               12,745.35
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 6/28/2023                 7,645.30
Guthrie's Safe & Lock  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                       45.00
Guthrie's Safe & Lock  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                         7.00
HEB LP  Consumables 6/7/2023                       17.46
HEB LP  Consumables 6/14/2023                       60.14
HEB LP  Consumables 6/21/2023                       30.78
HEB LP  Consumables 6/28/2023                       21.66
HEB LP  Educational-Food Purchases 6/14/2023                         6.10
HEB LP  Educational-Food Purchases 6/21/2023                       35.09
HEB LP  Educational-Food Purchases 6/28/2023                         3.32
HEB LP  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       80.23
HEB LP  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                       41.05
HEB LP  Food Purchased 6/7/2023                     405.70
HEB LP  Food Purchased 6/14/2023                     978.52
HEB LP  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     819.83
HEB LP  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                 1,230.35
HOLT Cat  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/21/2023                 2,507.52
HOLT Cat  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/27/2023                 2,685.18
Halff Associates Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/7/2023                     398.69
Halifax Security Inc  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                     251.10
Halifax Security Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/21/2023               27,890.19
Halifax Security Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/21/2023                 5,469.39
Hampton Inn & Suites Statesboro  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     926.89
Hansen Erica Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     170.30
Harbor Freight Tools USA Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       71.89
Health Care Logistics Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     517.40
Health Care Logistics Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     470.49
Health Care Logistics Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                     113.00
Hernandez Edward Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       57.64
Hernandez Kimberly Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     158.72
Hernandez Pablo Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (583.89)
Hernandez Pablo Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (231.84)
Hernandez Pablo Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     217.60
Hernandez Pablo Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     289.80
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     236.00
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                     151.00
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     409.51
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       85.15
Herrera Blanca Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       79.32
Hidalgo County Appraisal District  Appraisal Fees 6/14/2023            196,342.00
Hilton Anatole Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     738.85
Hilton Anatole Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     661.86
Hilton Anatole Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     661.85
Hilton Anatole Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     882.47
Hilton Anatole Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     661.86
Hilton Cleveland Downtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                 1,076.30
Hilton Cleveland Downtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                 1,614.45
Hilton Garden Inn  Travel In-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     289.50
Hilton Houston Plaza Medical Ctr  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     484.26
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     675.02
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/27/2023                     556.89
Hilton San Francisco Union Square  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/27/2023                     944.96
Hilton Waco  Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     804.09
Hinck Jeremy Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (51.92)
Hinck Jeremy Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                       64.90
Hinck Jeremy Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       89.71
Hinojosa Beauty Supplies LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,580.72
Hirmas Crista Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     171.11
Hirmas Crista Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (454.78)
Hirmas Crista Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     128.00
Hirmas Crista Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     352.39
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Consumables 6/7/2023                     533.97
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Consumables 6/14/2023                     210.01
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Consumables 6/21/2023                     137.83
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/21/2023                       75.76
Holchemont Ltd  Constr Buildings 6/28/2023            149,529.19
Holiday Inn Washington Capitol National Mall  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     797.74
Holiday Inn Washington Capitol National Mall  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     598.29
Hollenbeck Elizabeth Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (102.30)
Hollenbeck Elizabeth Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     128.00
Hollenbeck Elizabeth Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                     141.94
Hollifield Jocelyn Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       41.92
Hopkins Patrick Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     984.79
Howard Technology Solutions  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                     275.00
Howard Technology Solutions  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     514.00
Howard Technology Solutions  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,444.00
Howard Technology Solutions  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     710.00
Howard Technology Solutions  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     168.00
Huerta Ricardo Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     428.24
Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     666.81
Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     444.54
Ibanez Melissa Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     136.88
Ibanez Melissa Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     420.31
Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                     117.75
Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       39.25
Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                     471.00
IdentiSys Inc  Office Supplies 6/14/2023                     264.00
Image Access Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 6/14/2023                     108.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,440.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Promo Items 6/7/2023                 6,477.50
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Promo Items 6/14/2023                 1,686.50
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Promo Items 6/28/2023                 7,198.50
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 6/28/2023                     449.25
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Privat 6/28/2023                     280.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Uniforms 6/28/2023                 4,252.50
Ink  Computer Supplies 6/27/2023                     688.00
Insight Public Sector Inc  Cap FMVOE-Computer Equip >$4,999.99 6/28/2023               20,597.58
Insight Public Sector Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                              -  
Insight Public Sector Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/21/2023               65,210.65
Insight Public Sector Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023               19,336.97
Interactive Health Technologies LLC  Computer Supplies 6/6/2023                       15.00
Interactive Health Technologies LLC  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                       84.00
Interactive Health Technologies LLC  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                 4,770.00
International Billboards  Advertising Services 6/14/2023                 3,600.00
International Nursing Assn for Clinical  Membership Dues 6/21/2023                     606.00
Irlas Hector Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     158.72
JW Pepper & Son Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/27/2023                         9.99
Jacob Teena Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.12)
Jacob Teena Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Jason's Deli  Food Purchased 6/7/2023                     167.35
Jason's Deli  Food Purchased 6/13/2023                     837.54
Jason's Deli  Food Purchased 6/14/2023                 1,142.97
Jason's Deli  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                       16.00
Jason's Deli  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       16.00 Inc  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                 1,600.00
Joe W Fly Co Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                     979.65
Johnson Controls Inc  Constr Buildings 6/28/2023                 9,934.77
Johnson Controls Inc  Constr Buildings 6/28/2023                 9,846.47
Johnson Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                 2,730.00
Johnson Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                       11.81
Johnson Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     614.00
Johnson Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     347.18
Johnson Supply  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/13/2023                 5,190.28
Johnson Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                 5,351.86
Johnstone Supply  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                       25.00
Johnstone Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                     883.97
Johnstone Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     511.90
Joseph Manju Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.11)
Joseph Manju Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
KTLM  Advertising Services 6/14/2023                 8,123.75
Kanopy LLC  Subscriptions 6/14/2023                     300.00
Kennedy Robert Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     (76.80)
Kennedy Robert Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                       96.00
Kids Academy Daycare  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     342.00
Kids Academy Daycare  Child Care Services 6/14/2023                     190.00
Kimber 1985 LLC  Constr Buildings 6/7/2023            106,006.70
Kings III of America LLC  M&R Telecom Equipment 6/7/2023                     231.83
Kings III of America LLC  M&R Telecom Equipment 6/28/2023                     264.78
Kings III of America LLC  Phone Service 6/7/2023                     198.88
Kings III of America LLC  Phone Service 6/28/2023                     165.93
Knapp Medical Center  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                       29.50
Knapp Medical Center  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/21/2023                     306.00
KrispTechnologies Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/14/2023                     300.00
Krueger International Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                         1.00
Krueger International Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     236.50
Krueger International Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023                 2,905.22
Krueger International Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     475.60
Krueger International Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,073.50
Kudelski Security Inc  Data Hosting Services 6/7/2023               46,248.00
Kudelski Security Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/7/2023                 4,136.00
Kurita America Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 4,253.40
L&W Supply Corp  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                     102.22
L&W Supply Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       48.00
LMG Sales Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       11.94
LMG Sales Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,156.00
LTA Projects  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023                 7,596.00
La Quinta Inn & Suites McAllen Convention Ctr  Consultant travel expenditures 6/21/2023                     539.55
Labatt Food Service LLC  Consumables 6/21/2023                     498.09
Labatt Food Service LLC  Consumables 6/28/2023                       64.19
Labatt Food Service LLC  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                 2,201.78
Labatt Food Service LLC  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     901.78
Labatt Food Service LLC  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                       13.18
Labatt Food Service LLC  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                         6.59
Lakeshore Learning Materials  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                 2,792.23
Lakeshore Learning Materials  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023               19,179.55
Lakeshore Learning Materials  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023               27,910.05
Lakeway Resort & Spa  Travel In-State Hotel 6/21/2023                     430.13
Lakeway Resort & Spa  Travel In-State Hotel 6/28/2023                     521.16
Lamichhane Pramod Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     693.72
Lamichhane Pramod Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/28/2023                       45.36
Laredo Comidas LLC STC  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     137.40
Lawson Products Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     382.65
Leadership Empowerment Group  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 9,125.00
Leal Manoella Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     248.40
Lerma Isidro Honorariums 6/22/2023                     600.00
Levenger  Office Supplies 6/7/2023                     330.00
Lewin Nicole Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                     125.00
Lewin Nicole Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     875.00
Lilitab  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       79.20
Lilitab  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                       43.75
Lilitab  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     218.75
Lilitab  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     691.25
Lilitab  Other Fees & Charges 6/7/2023                     107.00
Limon Michelle Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     235.55
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP  A/P Attorney Fee - Property Tax 6/28/2023               23,671.63
Lion TotalCare Inc  Unclaimed Property - A/P 6/7/2023               12,933.12
Little Shining Stars Inc  Child Care Services 6/14/2023                     160.00
Loews Atlanta Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                     780.42
Lonestar Education and Research Network  Consultant Services-Computer 6/14/2023                     800.00
Longleaf Services Inc  Subscriptions 6/14/2023                       93.00
Longoria Brandon Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     133.62
Lopez Mario Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                       23.60
Lopez Mario Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       98.48
Lopez Myriam Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (107.52)
Lopez Myriam Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     134.40
Lopez Rebecca Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Lopez Victoria Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       56.30
Lopez Victoria Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     315.80
Lowe's Home Center LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/28/2023                       51.22
Lowe's Home Center LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                 2,315.12
Lowe's Home Center LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     100.02
Lowe's Home Center LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     422.10
Lowe's Home Center LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,177.97
Lozano Marisela Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Lozano Sara Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     158.72
Luna Glass LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/7/2023                     450.00
Luna Glass LLC  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/14/2023                     990.00
Luna Glass LLC  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/28/2023                 1,465.00
Luna Glass LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 1,100.00
MCR Henderson Tenant LLC  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     471.21
MCR Henderson Tenant LLC  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     471.21
MSC Industrial Supply Co  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                       78.98
Madrigal Rodolfo Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     (89.68)
Madrigal Rodolfo Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     112.10
Madrigal Rodolfo Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     117.11
Magallanes Manuel Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       76.50
Magic Valley Electric Cooperative Inc  Electricity 6/28/2023                 7,545.76
Maldonado Aaron Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                         5.63
Maldonado Aaron Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       33.80
Maldonado Jaime Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       57.64
Manpower US Inc  Prior Year - Voucher Payable 6/28/2023                     663.20
Manpower US Inc  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                 1,544.80
Manpower US Inc  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                 2,694.96
Manpower US Inc  Temporary Services 6/21/2023                     661.92
Marianna Industries Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     102.60
Marianna Industries Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     308.40
Marianna Industries Inc  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       29.78
Marianna Industries Inc  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                     102.02
Marquez Cruz Celina Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     111.39
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,212.90
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,212.90
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,212.90
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,212.90
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,212.90
Martinez Architects LP  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/28/2023                 2,341.75
Martinez Arturo Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     160.34
Martinez Carlos Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     117.90
Martinez Daniel Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     102.00
Martinez Daniel Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     124.84
Martinez David Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     239.60
Martinez Judy Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Martinez Service Center  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                     323.74
Martinez Yolanda Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     316.00
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Chemicals and Gases 6/13/2023                     915.14
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Chemicals and Gases 6/28/2023                     572.13
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     113.34
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       32.28
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/13/2023                     210.40
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       63.00
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 6/13/2023                     261.38
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 6/27/2023                       75.57
Matthews-Mendez Lauren Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     248.40
McCoys Building Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     150.54
McCoys Building Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     158.18
McCoys Building Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/27/2023                 1,750.58
McCoys Building Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                 2,455.02
McCoys Building Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     521.90
McCoys Building Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     380.33
McCoys Building Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/27/2023                     168.35
McCoys Building Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     126.74
McCoys Building Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/27/2023                 2,133.89
Medina Dalina Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (138.24)
Medina Dalina Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     172.80
Medina Dalina Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     258.55
Mega Doctor News  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                 1,140.00
Melhart Music  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     520.99
Memorial Hermann Health System  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     180.00
MeshNet Licensing Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/28/2023               44,500.00
Met Life Insurance  MET Life Insurance 6/28/2023                       12.10
Mid Coast Electric Supply Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/14/2023                     613.68
Mid Coast Electric Supply Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/14/2023                     672.24
Millennium Engineers Group Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/28/2023                 7,568.00
Miller Emma Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (102.40)
Miller Emma Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     128.00
Miller Emma Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                       74.43
Miller Michelle Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     141.48
Mills Gregory Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     264.96
Mireles Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       54.37
Mireles Francisco Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     183.73
Mobley Darrell Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     707.01
Montes Samantha Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     133.62
Montes Samantha Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     168.47
Moore Kimberly Travel Advance 6/7/2023                       25.60
Moore Kimberly Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     (25.60)
Moore Kimberly Travel In-State Hotel 6/21/2023                     209.79
Moore Kimberly Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                       32.00
Moore Kimberly Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       82.87
Moore Kimberly Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       58.95
Moreno Juan Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       57.64
Morrison Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     235.02
Morrison Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/27/2023                       63.38
Morrison Supply Co  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/13/2023                 1,190.11
Morrison Supply Co  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                     435.83
Morrison Supply Co  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/27/2023                     315.81
Morrison Supply Co  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     238.12
Ms G's Tacos N More Inc  Food Purchased 6/7/2023                     213.60
Ms G's Tacos N More Inc  Food Purchased 6/14/2023                       97.90
Ms G's Tacos N More Inc  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                       13.42
Muniz Mariver Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (467.71)
Muniz Mariver Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Muniz Mariver Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     334.60
NAFSA Assn of International Educators  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/13/2023                     740.00
NASCO Education LLC  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       14.95
NASCO Education LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     161.50
NaBITA  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                 1,299.00
National Center for Construction Edu and Research  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/27/2023                     191.25
National College Learning Center Assn  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                     880.00
National College Learning Center Assn  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                     880.00
National College Learning Center Assn  Registration Fees 6/14/2023                     880.00
National College Learning Center Assn  Registration Fees 6/28/2023                     880.00
National College Testing Assn Inc  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     525.00
National College Testing Assn Inc  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     525.00
National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Assn of America Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/28/2023                 3,600.00
National Fire Protection Association  Membership Dues 6/21/2023                     175.00
Ndolo Thomas Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                       63.20
Ndolo Thomas Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       79.00
Netsync Network Solutions  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                 3,529.20
Netsync Network Solutions  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 1,713.70
New York Hilton Midtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                 1,319.67
New York Hilton Midtown  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                 1,319.67
New York Marriott Marquis  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/21/2023                 1,470.12
Newegg Business Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                     323.98
Newegg Business Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/21/2023                     389.48
Newegg Business Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 6/14/2023                       10.00
Newegg Business Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     444.14
Newegg Business Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     579.96
Nino-Montes Joanna Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (204.24)
Nino-Montes Joanna Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     255.30
Nino-Montes Joanna Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       84.33
Nino-Montes Joanna Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     121.04
O'Reilly Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     319.92
O'Reilly Auto Parts  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                       24.39
ONPEAK LLC  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     608.82
OTC Brands Inc  Consumables 6/14/2023                       22.99
OTC Brands Inc  Consumables 6/21/2023                     272.59
OTC Brands Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                         6.99
Oasis Quality Car Wash  M&R Vehicles 6/7/2023                     224.00
Oasis Quality Car Wash  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                     277.95
Ojeda Julio Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     252.79
Olivera Mario Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     165.20
Olivera Mario Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       85.67
Olivera Mario Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     552.82
Omni Houston Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     748.26
One Step GPS LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                     348.75
One Step GPS LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/6/2023                     348.75
One10 LLC  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     500.00
One10 LLC  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     675.00
Onin Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                 5,286.64
Onin Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                 5,441.80
Onin Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/21/2023                     959.04
Onin Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/28/2023                 5,437.25
Ontiveros Floor Covering LLC  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       35.00
Ontiveros Floor Covering LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     273.12
Oracle America Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/7/2023            137,562.26
Oracle America Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/14/2023                 1,432.27
Ortegon Esmeralda Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       15.51
Ortegon Esmeralda Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (189.60)
Ortegon Esmeralda Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     237.00
Ortegon Esmeralda Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       30.00
Ortiz Linda Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     214.60
Ortiz Linda Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       50.00
Ortiz Soledad Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       15.51
Otu Ntiense Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.11)
Otu Ntiense Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Otu Ntiense Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       40.10
Otvos Gina Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (303.35)
Otvos Gina Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     379.20
Otvos Gina Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                     154.95
Otvos Gina Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     115.54
PASCO Scientific  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       40.00
PASCO Scientific  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023                 3,489.09
Paez Jovan Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                 1,220.53
Palace Cleaners Inc  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/7/2023                       44.10
Palacios Jocelyne Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     541.10
Palmview Academy  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     360.00
Palmview Academy  Child Care Services 6/28/2023                     480.00
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/7/2023                     188.82
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/13/2023                     739.81
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                     533.73
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                 1,135.23
Paper Direct  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                       21.49
Paper Direct  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       21.98
Parra Elizabeth Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (556.31)
Parra Elizabeth Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     185.60
Parra Elizabeth Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       45.00
Parra Elizabeth Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       30.52
Parra Elizabeth Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     407.84
Pastor Eduardo Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (437.10)
Pastor Eduardo Travel In-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     140.80
Pastor Eduardo Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       10.00
Pastor Eduardo Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     324.46
Pearson VUE  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/7/2023                 2,900.00
Pearson VUE  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/7/2023                     725.00
Peek Kevin Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     255.45
Pena Gabriela Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     165.76
Peppermill Hotel Casino Reno  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     979.80
Peppermill Hotel Casino Reno  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     979.80
Peppermill Hotel Casino Reno  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     979.80
Perez Consulting Engineers LLC  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/7/2023                 1,000.00
Perez Consulting Engineers LLC  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/14/2023               22,801.50
Perez Jeffery Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       57.64
Perez Monica Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       33.01
Perez Monica Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       26.00
Perez Ramos Bernardo Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     461.12
Performance Health Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     778.99
Performance Health Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/20/2023                     973.02
Peter Piper Pizza  Food Purchased 6/20/2023                       84.90
Petrosian Anahid Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     133.00
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/7/2023                 1,014.24
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/6/2023                 2,192.40
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/6/2023                 2,192.40
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/6/2023                 1,759.51
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/28/2023                 1,014.75
Pico Propane Operating LLC  Fuels & Lubricants 6/28/2023                       54.00
Pimentel Julio Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (51.19)
Pimentel Julio Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                       64.00
Pimentel Julio Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       85.99
PinProsPlus  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/14/2023                     217.00
Plummer David Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     165.33
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                 1,423.72
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     383.94
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                 4,232.77
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023               18,364.84
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/7/2023                 1,915.55
Pocket Nurse  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                     198.00
Pocket Nurse  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,170.08
Pocket Nurse  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     572.60
Pocket Nurse  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 3,192.41
Polvado Sharlene Registration Fees 6/28/2023                       40.00
Polvado Sharlene Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (92.16)
Polvado Sharlene Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     115.20
Polvado Sharlene Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       91.25
Polvado Sharlene Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       77.68
Ponce Janice Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     138.00
Pontejos Artemio Jr Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.12)
Pontejos Artemio Jr Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Pontejos Maria Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (467.71)
Pontejos Maria Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Pontejos Maria Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                       39.97
Pontejos Maria Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     334.60
Premier Awards & Gifts  Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                     175.00
ProLogistix  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                     731.25
ProQuest LLC  Subscriptions 6/7/2023                     500.00
Promo Universal LLC  Promo Items 6/14/2023                 3,197.50
Promo Universal LLC  Promo Items 6/28/2023                 7,688.00
Pryor Learning LLC  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     298.00
Pueblo Tires and Service  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                 1,562.63
Purchase Power  Postage 6/28/2023                 5,522.00
Quill LLC  Computer Supplies 6/7/2023                 1,181.77
Quill LLC  Computer Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,320.89
Quill LLC  Computer Supplies 6/28/2023                     221.98
Quill LLC  Consumables 6/7/2023                       79.97
Quill LLC  Consumables 6/14/2023                     257.94
Quill LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                     646.04
Quill LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     443.94
Quill LLC  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       33.49
Quill LLC  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                         2.75
Quill LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     304.90
Quill LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     359.97
Quill LLC  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                     428.65
Quill LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                 1,256.67
Quill LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,165.85
Quill LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 6,491.38
Quill LLC  Office Supplies 6/7/2023                 1,089.72
Quill LLC  Office Supplies 6/14/2023                 1,626.72
Quill LLC  Office Supplies 6/21/2023                     502.86
Quintanilla Claudia Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (204.24)
Quintanilla Claudia Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     255.30
Quintanilla Claudia Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       90.35
RGB Systems Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/7/2023                     564.27
RGB Systems Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/28/2023                 1,674.76
RGV Carts  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 1,440.00
RGV Maximum Services LLC  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/7/2023                     597.50
RGV Maximum Services LLC  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/14/2023                 1,030.00
RGV Reprographics  Construction Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                     379.26
RGV Reprographics  Repro & Print Services 6/14/2023                       66.70
Raba Kistner Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/14/2023                 3,582.15
Rackspace US Inc  Data Hosting Services 6/21/2023                 5,752.38
Raleigh Marriott City Center  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                 1,219.70
Ramirez Jesus Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     530.52
Ramirez Juan Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     (92.16)
Ramirez Juan Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     115.20
Ramirez Juan Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                       83.74
ReachLocal Inc  Advertising Services 6/14/2023               25,000.00
Ready Set and Learn Daycare  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     342.00
Ready Set and Learn Daycare  Child Care Services 6/14/2023                     456.00
Readymen Staffing Services LLC  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                 1,233.70
Readymen Staffing Services LLC  Temporary Services 6/28/2023                     832.33
Records Consultants Inc  Record Retention & Destruction Svcs 6/7/2023                 9,724.00
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 6/7/2023                     220.99
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 6/14/2023                     777.47
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 6/21/2023                     395.23
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 6/28/2023                     828.47
Region One Education Service Center  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/28/2023                     435.16
Region Staffing Inc  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                 1,322.73
Region Staffing Inc  Temporary Services 6/28/2023                     627.64
Reinitz Larissa Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     225.58
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     623.83
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     635.65
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     623.85
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     309.55
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/27/2023                     296.56
Renaissance Austin Hotel  Travel In-State Hotel 6/28/2023                     458.42
Requena Laura Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (246.66)
Requena Laura Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     177.00
Requena Laura Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     105.06
Residence Inn & Fairfield Inn & Suites  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     860.01
Residence Inn & Fairfield Inn & Suites  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     860.01
Respondek Anita Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     422.68
Reyes Javier Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       13.10
Reyes Rachel Travel Advance 6/21/2023                       10.58
Reyna Eloisa Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     117.76
Reynolds Darrial Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (339.55)
Reynolds Darrial Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     424.44
Rice Sharon Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     353.70
Rio Grande Guardian  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                 8,000.00
Rio Grande Plumbing Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     950.00
Rios Johanna Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       57.64
Rios San Juanita Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     271.37
Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 6/28/2023                     125.54
Rochester Armored Car Co Inc  Armored Car Services 6/14/2023                 2,232.63
Rodriguez Carlos Employee Donation-Payroll Deduction 6/7/2023                       75.00
Rodriguez Irene Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Rodriguez Oscar Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     299.47
Rodriguez Rodney Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (80.24)
Rodriguez Rodney Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     100.30
Rodriguez Rodney Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     118.12
Rodriguez Yaritza Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       57.64
Romero Jr Artemio Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (107.52)
Romero Jr Artemio Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     134.40
Romero Jr Artemio Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       48.49
Romy Sherly Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (133.12)
Romy Sherly Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     134.40
Rosenbaum Maby Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     165.76
Royal Education Center LLC  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     360.00
Royal Education Center LLC  Child Care Services 6/28/2023                     240.00
Ruelas Sayda Registration Fees 6/28/2023                       40.00
Ruelas Sayda Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     (92.16)
Ruelas Sayda Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     115.20
Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     745.00
Ruffalo Noel Levitz LLC  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     745.00
Ryan LLC  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/28/2023                 5,250.00
Rydin  Repro & Print Services 6/20/2023                 9,049.10
S&S Recovery Inc  A/P Collection Agencies 6/21/2023                         5.00
S&S Recovery Inc  CLM Payment Clearing 6/21/2023                 1,163.07
SHI Government Solutions Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/7/2023                     253.12
SHI Government Solutions Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/21/2023                 4,219.47
STB USA LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/14/2023                     315.21
Saenz Felisa Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     176.85
Saenz Felisa Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       58.95
Saenz Jocelyn Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       32.68
Safelite Fulfillment Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/13/2023                     480.56
Safety Kleen Systems Inc  Hazard Use Waste Disposal 6/14/2023                     166.91
Salas Laura Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     115.92
Saldana Samuel Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       87.12
Sallie Mae Bank  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/7/2023                 4,000.00
Sallie Mae Bank  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 6/28/2023               62,461.00
Sam's Club Direct  Consumables 6/14/2023                       61.36
Sam's Club Direct  Consumables 6/28/2023                     367.59
Sam's Club Direct  Educational-Food Purchases 6/14/2023                       64.52
Sam's Club Direct  Educational-Food Purchases 6/21/2023                       51.26
Sam's Club Direct  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     137.76
Sam's Club Direct  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                 1,531.76
Sam's Club Direct  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                       20.64
San Marcos Embassy Suites  Travel In-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     569.25
Sanchez Jorge Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     264.96
Sanchez Jorge Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (155.76)
Sanchez Jorge Travel In-State Airfare 6/14/2023                     412.65
Sanchez Jorge Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     836.95
Sanchez Jorge Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     194.70
Sanchez Jorge Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                       43.68
Sanchez Kristen Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     186.02
Sanchez Osiel Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     353.37
Sandoval Sylvia Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (133.11)
Sandoval Sylvia Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     134.40
Sandoval Sylvia Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                     120.00
Santiago Nunez Antonio Travel Advance 6/14/2023                  (571.64)
Santiago Nunez Antonio Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     204.80
Santiago Nunez Antonio Travel-Incidental 6/14/2023                       45.00
Santiago Nunez Antonio Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     407.80
Sarabia Alexandro Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       57.64
Schermerhorn Ronald Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     698.03
Schindler Elevator Corp  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/21/2023                 1,273.90
Sentry Custom Security Inc  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/14/2023               11,675.00
Sepulveda Jose Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     608.17
Sepulveda Jose Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     329.21
Serna Mario Travel Advance 6/14/2023                       93.83
Serna Mario Travel In-State Hotel 6/14/2023                     338.35
Serna Mario Travel In-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                     135.70
Serna Mario Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                     104.32
Set Solutions Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/28/2023                 3,671.04
Shars Tools Company  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                       55.00
Shars Tools Company  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                       12.41
Shooting Academy of South Texas LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                         5.00
Shooting Academy of South Texas LLC  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       12.00
Shred It USA LLC  Record Retention & Destruction Svcs 6/7/2023                 1,581.85
Shred It USA LLC  Record Retention & Destruction Svcs 6/28/2023                 1,656.75
Siemens Industry Inc  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/28/2023                 4,247.54
Siemens Industry Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023               49,692.00
Silva Juan Travel-International 6/14/2023                     366.56
Silva Maricela Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (474.53)
Silva Maricela Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     185.60
Silva Maricela Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     326.05
Skydio Inc  Cap FMVOE-Comp Software > $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 8,188.05
Skydio Inc  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/14/2023               14,548.07
Skydio Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                       15.93
Skydio Inc  Inv Software $1,000 $4,999.99 6/14/2023                 3,898.05
Skydio Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/14/2023                 2,499.00
Skydio Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     900.00
Slate Group  Freight Delivery 6/28/2023                       35.85
Slate Group  Registration Fees 6/28/2023                       55.20
Slate Group  Repro & Print Services 6/28/2023                     571.96
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                 1,030.08
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Phone Service 6/14/2023                 7,733.10
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Telecom Rental 6/14/2023                 3,827.00
Socialife News LLC  Advertising Services 6/13/2023                 1,540.00
Society for College and University Planning  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                 1,725.00
Society for Human Resource Management  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                 2,395.00
Society for Human Resource Management  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                       30.00
Society for Simulation in Healthcare  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     525.00
Solano Arturo Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     (51.19)
Solano Arturo Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/14/2023                       64.00
Solano Arturo Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                         5.63
Solano Arturo Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                         5.63
Solis Jennifer Travel Advance 6/28/2023                       94.39
Solis Rosa Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     619.84
Sonesta Philadelphia  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/13/2023                     624.90
Sotelo Patricia Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (102.30)
Sotelo Patricia Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     128.00
Sotelo Patricia Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       30.00
South Texas College  Petty Cash - Pecan Cashiers 6/7/2023                     450.00
South Texas College Education Foundation  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023               20,000.00
South Texas Communications Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/7/2023                     831.00
South Texas Communications Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 6/14/2023                 1,914.00
South Texas Communications Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     108.17
South Texas Communications Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                       50.00
Southern California Coach Inc  Rent Vehicles 6/1/2023                     771.78
Spherion Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                     717.60
Spherion Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/14/2023                 1,602.87
Spherion Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 6/28/2023                     717.60
Starr County Gas System  Natural/Liquid Gas 6/7/2023                 2,418.00
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 6/14/2023                     663.81
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 6/6/2023                     320.46
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 6/14/2023                     297.57
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 6/27/2023                     160.23
Stericycle Inc  Hazard Use Waste Disposal 6/6/2023                     155.00
Stericycle Inc  Hazard Use Waste Disposal 6/13/2023                       48.62
StormWind LLC  Consultant Services-Computer 6/7/2023                 4,170.00
Strata Information Group  Consultant Services-Computer 6/28/2023                 4,681.25
Strongline Security & Fire  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/14/2023                     105.00
Strongline Security & Fire  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                     385.00
Strongline Security & Fire  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 5,570.00
Strongline Security & Fire  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                     437.30
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/6/2023                         7.00
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/13/2023                     138.90
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/14/2023                 1,049.92
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/21/2023                     134.70
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/27/2023                         7.00
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 6/28/2023                     432.05
Subway #45685  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Privat 6/28/2023                     930.73
Success By Design Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                     398.16
Success By Design Inc  Freight Delivery 6/7/2023                       46.62
Suntrac Services Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/6/2023                     292.00
T2 Systems Inc  Cap FMVOE-Software Licen >$4,999.99 6/7/2023               12,928.96
T2 Systems Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 6,874.13
THRYV Inc  Advertising Services 6/27/2023                     138.00
THRYV Inc  Penalties & Fines 6/27/2023                         2.00
TLC Total Lawn Care LLC  Grounds Maintenance Services 6/21/2023               57,177.65
TPC Training  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                 1,195.00
TPC Training  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                 1,295.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity AETNA 6/28/2023                 2,895.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-20th Century 6/28/2023                 4,785.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-AXA Equitable Li 6/13/2023                     500.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-AXA Equitable Li 6/28/2023                 8,971.66
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Fidelity 6/28/2023                 7,400.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-GRT Americ 6/28/2023                     425.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Kemper Inv 6/28/2023                       50.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Lincoln Investments 6/28/2023                     600.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Security Benefit 6/28/2023                     700.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-TIAA/Cref 6/28/2023                 5,466.54
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Variable 6/28/2023                     700.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Waddel Red 6/28/2023                 2,700.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-20th Century 6/28/2023               12,061.26
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-AETNA 6/28/2023               15,453.76
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Fidelity Investment 6/28/2023               32,559.19
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Great Amer Reserve 6/28/2023                 2,311.46
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Kemper Invest 6/28/2023                 2,032.46
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Lincoln Investment Planning 6/28/2023                 1,789.29
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Lincoln National 6/28/2023                 1,039.48
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Teachers Insurance 6/28/2023               11,327.87
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-USAA Investment Mgmt 6/28/2023                 3,385.99
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Variable An Life 6/28/2023                 9,895.98
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Waddel & Reed 6/28/2023               11,710.61
Technical Laboratory Systems Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 6/7/2023                 2,740.00
Technologent  Consultant Services-Computer 6/21/2023                 3,375.00
Technologent  Consultant Services-Computer 6/28/2023                 2,193.75
Telepro Communications  Construction Other Expense 6/28/2023                 1,871.52
Telepro Communications  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/21/2023               10,718.60
Telepro Communications  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/6/2023                 2,243.10
Telepro Communications  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/27/2023                 5,242.79
Tello Carlos Travel Advance 6/7/2023                     448.16
Tellus Equipment Solutions LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     460.64
Tellus Equipment Solutions LLC  M&R Vehicles 6/13/2023                     893.55
Terracon Consultants Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 6/14/2023                 1,270.00
Terracon Consultants Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 4,130.00
Texas ASL Educators  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                     155.00
Texas Assn for Higher Education  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     199.00
Texas Assn for Higher Education  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     199.00
Texas Assn for Higher Education  Registration Fees 6/21/2023                     349.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                     200.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers  Registration Fees 6/21/2023                     175.00
Texas Assn of Community Colleges  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     515.00
Texas Assn of Governmental IT Managers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     100.00
Texas Assn of Governmental IT Managers  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     100.00
Texas Association of School Boards Inc  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     250.00
Texas Association of School Boards Inc  Registration Fees 6/27/2023                     225.00
Texas Border Business  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                 1,140.00
Texas Chiller Systems LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 6/21/2023               14,446.00
Texas Community College Instructional Administrators  Registration Fees 6/7/2023                     325.00
Texas Community College Instructional Administrators  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     325.00
Texas Community College Instructional Administrators  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     325.00
Texas Community College Instructional Administrators  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     325.00
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 6/14/2023                       23.00
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles  Other Fees & Charges 6/7/2023                       19.00
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       66.50
Texas Department of Public Safety  Legal Services 6/21/2023                       67.00
Texas Dept of Transportation  Due to 3rd Parties 6/14/2023                     216.71
Texas Gas Service  Natural/Liquid Gas 6/7/2023                 1,176.61
Texas Gas Service  Natural/Liquid Gas 6/28/2023                 1,764.76
Texas Gas Service  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023               11,025.00
Texas Health Information Management Assn  Registration Fees 6/6/2023                     350.00
Texas Music Festivals Enterprise Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/21/2023                       48.00
Texas Music Festivals Enterprise Inc  Repro & Print Services 6/21/2023                 1,575.00
Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants  Registration Fees 6/22/2023                     225.00
Texas Society of Health System Pharmacists  Membership Dues 6/7/2023                     199.00
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 6/7/2023                     840.00
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 6/21/2023                     840.00
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 6/28/2023                 1,680.00
TextHelp Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/21/2023                 1,890.00
The Art Students League of New York  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     775.00
The Art Students League of New York  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     775.00
The Childrens College Learning Center  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     180.00
The Exceptional LTD  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/28/2023               25,835.60
The Exceptional LTD  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/28/2023               27,194.00
The Exceptional LTD  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                 8,806.00
The Hon Company LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     460.27
The Hon Company LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,603.04
The Hon Company LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     867.68
The Hon Company LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                     135.00
The Hon Company LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                     440.00
The Learning Journey Day School  Child Care Services 6/7/2023                     180.00
The NCHERM Group LLC  Consultant Services 6/21/2023                 2,700.00
The Notary Hotel Autograph Collection  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/7/2023                 1,075.26
The Sherwin Williams Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     282.99
The Sherwin Williams Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                       30.67
The Sherwin Williams Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/28/2023                     438.53
The University of Texas Health Science  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                 3,377.00
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley  Other Fees & Charges 6/28/2023                       30.00
Thompson Information Services  Subscriptions 6/7/2023                     499.00
Thomson Reuters  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/14/2023                     115.53
Toral Anita Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                 1,144.94
Torres Isaac Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                     182.35
Torres Ruben Travel Advance 6/7/2023                 1,218.56
Torres Ruben Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (230.88)
Torres Ruben Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     288.60
Torres Ruben Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       22.00
Trancasa USA Inc  Rent Vehicles 6/7/2023                 4,000.00
Turrubiates Alanis Lyzette Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       18.67
TxDLA Inc  Membership Dues 6/27/2023                       35.00
UBEO LLC  Penalties & Fines 6/7/2023                       26.00
UBEO LLC  Penalties & Fines 6/28/2023                       26.00
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 6/7/2023                     419.45
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 6/14/2023                     179.07
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 6/21/2023                       28.29
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 6/28/2023                     226.10
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 6/28/2023                     195.19
US Department of Veterans Affairs  Due to 3rd Parties 6/7/2023                 1,530.38
US Department of Veterans Affairs  Due to 3rd Parties 6/21/2023                     977.00
US Omni & TSACG Compliance  Consultant Services 6/14/2023                 1,000.00
UWorld LLC  Educational-Testing & Graduation 6/7/2023               45,841.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 6/6/2023                       30.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 6/13/2023                       20.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                         6.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                         6.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 6/27/2023                         4.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 6/6/2023                 1,202.29
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 6/13/2023                     917.94
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 6/14/2023                     262.47
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 6/21/2023                       66.33
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 6/27/2023                     228.80
United Rentals North America Inc  Freight Delivery 6/14/2023                 1,134.24
United Rentals North America Inc  Freight Delivery 6/21/2023                     342.06
United Rentals North America Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                         6.70
United Rentals North America Inc  Other Fees & Charges 6/21/2023                         1.24
United Rentals North America Inc  Rent Equipment 6/14/2023                 3,016.48
United Rentals North America Inc  Rent Equipment 6/21/2023                     532.00
United States Postal Service  Postage 6/7/2023                 9,500.00
United Way of South Texas  United Way-Hidalgo 6/28/2023                 1,340.66
University of North Texas  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     720.00
Upper Valley Mail Services LLC  Postage 6/28/2023                 3,424.96
Upper Valley Mail Services LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/14/2023                       20.52
VARI Sales Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 1,300.50
VARI Sales Corp  Other Fees & Charges 6/14/2023                       26.78
VTX Communications LLC  Rent Equipment 6/13/2023                     725.00
VTX Communications LLC  Telecom Rental 6/13/2023                 1,500.00
VWR International LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                     124.22
VWR International LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     742.00
Valerio Jayson Travel Advance 6/7/2023                  (440.75)
Valerio Jayson Travel In-State Hotel 6/7/2023                     475.66
Valerio Jayson Travel In-State Per Diem 6/7/2023                     218.88
Valerio Jayson Travel-Incidental 6/7/2023                       75.32
Valerio Jayson Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     425.40
Valladarez Ana Travel Advance 6/21/2023                     132.72
Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                 7,560.00
Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023               27,000.00
Vargas Joel Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       39.30
Vargas Tana Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (230.88)
Vargas Tana Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     288.60
Vargas Tana Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       52.99
Vega Menisa Travel Advance 6/14/2023                     236.80
Vela Maria Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     153.60
Velasquez Gustavo Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (230.88)
Velasquez Gustavo Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     288.60
Velasquez Gustavo Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                       44.00
Velasquez Iris Travel Advance 6/28/2023                     248.40
Verizon Wireless  Telecom Rental 6/7/2023                 1,959.04
Verizon Wireless  Telecom Rental 6/27/2023                 1,512.64
Verizon Wireless  Telecom Rental 6/28/2023                       37.99
Via Seating  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 6/7/2023                 1,403.05
Via Seating  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                       55.00
Villagran Cecilia Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                     109.35
Virage Simulation Inc  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 6/21/2023                 2,500.00
Virage Simulation Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/21/2023                 6,500.00
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc  Fuel Rebate 6/14/2023               (1,944.63)
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc  Fuels & Lubricants 6/14/2023               15,141.68
Vue Mastery  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/13/2023                 1,235.00
WEX Bank  Fuels & Lubricants 6/28/2023                     112.27
WW Grainger Inc  Consumables 6/6/2023                 1,265.56
WW Grainger Inc  Consumables 6/21/2023                     643.29
WW Grainger Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                     428.52
WW Grainger Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                       15.29
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/6/2023                 1,343.59
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/7/2023                     970.55
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/13/2023                     168.62
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/21/2023                     174.04
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 6/27/2023                     204.02
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/6/2023                     883.26
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/13/2023                     588.07
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                 2,083.78
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     192.26
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/27/2023                     902.11
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     341.82
WW Grainger Inc  Uniforms 6/13/2023                     109.71
Wade Richard Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                     671.24
Wal Mart  Consumables 6/7/2023                 1,535.52
Wal Mart  Consumables 6/14/2023                     824.34
Wal Mart  Consumables 6/21/2023                     352.04
Wal Mart  Consumables 6/28/2023                       83.05
Wal Mart  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/7/2023                     792.38
Wal Mart  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/14/2023                     723.81
Wal Mart  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/21/2023                     249.86
Wal Mart  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/28/2023                       64.36
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 6/7/2023                     344.60
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 6/21/2023                     299.29
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 6/28/2023                     113.64
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/7/2023                     599.34
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/14/2023                       98.00
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     128.44
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/28/2023                     257.86
Wal Mart  Office Supplies 6/7/2023                       15.82
Walters Lisa Travel Advance 6/28/2023                  (163.83)
Walters Lisa Travel In-State Per Diem 6/28/2023                     153.60
Walters Lisa Travel-Incidental 6/28/2023                     123.93
Waste Management of Texas Inc  Water, Sewer & Garbage 6/13/2023                     394.93
Weslaco Borderland Hardware  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 6/21/2023                     107.70
Western Assn of Veteran Education Specialists  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     740.00
Western Assn of Veteran Education Specialists  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     740.00
Western Assn of Veteran Education Specialists  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     740.00
Western Assn of Veteran Education Specialists  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     740.00
Western Assn of Veteran Education Specialists  Registration Fees 6/13/2023                     740.00
Westin Long Beach  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 6/6/2023                     971.40
Williams Wendi Travel-Mileage 6/7/2023                       62.09
Winner's World  Repro & Print Services 6/28/2023                       85.00
Wisdom Consulting LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/28/2023                     600.00
Woods Christopher Travel-Mileage 6/28/2023                       72.18
WorldPoint ECC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 6/13/2023                       75.52
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 6/7/2023                     250.00
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/6/2023                 5,658.03
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/7/2023                 1,525.25
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/13/2023                     308.90
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/14/2023                     590.62
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/27/2023                 1,149.73
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 6/28/2023                       88.80
Xerox Corporation  Rent Copiers 6/7/2023                     188.41
Xerox Corporation  Rent Copiers 6/28/2023               14,158.11
Young Alison Travel Advance 6/21/2023                  (102.30)
Young Alison Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 6/21/2023                     128.00
Young Alison Travel-Incidental 6/21/2023                       30.00
Young Alison Travel-Mileage 6/14/2023                       31.37
Young Alison Travel-Mileage 6/21/2023                       83.31
Yvonne V Valdez Chapter 13 Trustee  Legal Judgements 6/28/2023                 2,450.00
ZOHO Corporation  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/21/2023                 6,615.00
iHeartMedia  Advertising Services 6/28/2023                 8,757.12
zSpace Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 6/21/2023               11,323.00
Checks  $    4,650,964.17
Voids               15,481.59
        4,666,445.76 Total Accounts Payable
           942,400.29 Total Student Refunds
        6,263,922.28 Total Net Payroll
 $  11,872,768.33 Total Disbursements