South Texas College
Check Register
For Period 12/01/2022 To 12/30/2022
Aboytes Francisco Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                  106.25
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 12/1/2022                  624.00
Airgas USA LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  113.15
Airgas USA LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,188.00
Airgas USA LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                     23.23
Alamo Iron Works  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     50.00
Alamo Iron Works  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               4,062.29
Aleman Lisa Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     81.04
Alfaro Juan Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  314.63
All Affairs and Occasions  Temporary Services 12/1/2022                  702.00
Alonso Maria Travel Out-of-State Hotel 12/1/2022                  571.76
Altemeyer Bradley Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     65.25
Alvarado Marisol Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  184.19
Alvarez Cristina Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  133.13
American Advertising Federation Inc  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                  200.00
American Assn for Respiratory Care  Membership Dues 12/1/2022                  116.00
American Assn for Respiratory Care  Subscriptions 12/1/2022                     15.00
American Conference of Academic Deans  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                  595.00
American Library Assn  Membership Dues 12/1/2022               1,425.00
American Society of Health System Pharmacists  Books & Reference Materials 12/1/2022                  493.00
American Society of Health System Pharmacists  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     22.00
Anciso Gloria Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  141.75
AndyMark Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                     54.00
AndyMark Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                       9.50
Art's Trucks & Equipment  M&R Vehicles 12/1/2022               2,991.96
Authentic  Promo Items 12/1/2022               1,090.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 12/1/2022                  111.98
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                       5.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 12/1/2022            10,427.94
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 12/1/2022                  133.88
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     18.70
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  698.19
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/1/2022            15,281.51
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,976.11
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               2,567.97
B2Z Engineering LLC  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/1/2022            12,034.68
Bar B Cutie Smokehouse  Food Purchased 12/1/2022               1,748.75
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers LLC  Books & Reference Materials 12/1/2022                  461.30
Barrera Robert Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     54.44
Barrientos Jennifer Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  540.00
Barrientos Jennifer Rent Equipment 12/1/2022                  550.00
Barroso Lazaro Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  102.40
Baylor University  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                  250.00
Benavides Eduardo Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  417.38
Bicycle World RGV  M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/1/2022                  238.00
Blanco Cynthia Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                  194.72
Bug Off Pest Control  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  535.00
Burton Companies LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  249.26
Burton Companies LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  129.87
BWE II LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/1/2022                     96.00
Cantu's Special Events  Rent Equipment 12/1/2022               1,360.00
Carahsoft Technology Corp  License Fees 12/1/2022               1,398.00
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  585.19
Carolina Biological Supply  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  140.00
Carolina Biological Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  203.40
Carreon Nadia Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     61.26
Casaperalta Velazquez Nadia Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     96.88
Casas Celina Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     66.36
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 12/1/2022                  203.39
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     74.99
CDW Government  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,088.66
CDW Government  Telecom Parts/supplies 12/1/2022                  859.32
Chamberlain Jenny Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  172.50
Chapa Fernando Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  248.64
Chemglass Life Sciences LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  277.35
Chemglass Life Sciences LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     19.41
Choice Label Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     30.54
Choice Label Inc  Repro & Print Services 12/1/2022               1,388.20
Chong Menard Betty Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                  167.44
City of Pharr  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/1/2022                  618.12
Clark Andrea Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  156.00
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care  Accreditation Fees 12/1/2022               2,300.00
Contreras Beatriz Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     30.44
Convention & Expo Management Services  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022               6,270.00
Corpus Luis Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     66.56
Crawford Electric Supply Company Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022               1,556.73
Crawford Electric Supply Company Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  660.23
CRC Development & Construction Co LLC  Constr Buildings 12/1/2022          147,883.34
Cruz Joe Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     78.50
Cuellar Griselda Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     70.40
Cytech Heating & Cooling LC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022               1,550.00
Davis Bradley Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  248.64
De La Cruz Antonio Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     19.74
De La Cruz Antonio Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                  268.60
De La Cruz Antonio Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                     82.91
De La Cruz Antonio Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     36.95
De La Rosa Olivia Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                     94.63
De Leon Rebecca Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  600.34
Dealers Electrical Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                       6.75
Deleon Maria Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  203.06
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 12/1/2022               4,063.69
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               2,070.50
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  371.49
Department of Information Resources  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022               1,433.20
Department of Information Resources  Phone Service 12/1/2022                  170.89
Department of Information Resources  Telecom Rental 12/1/2022               9,828.11
Dienda Luzolo Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  174.44
Discount School Supply  Consumables 12/1/2022                  839.92
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 12/1/2022                  740.42
EBSCO Information Services  Subscriptions 12/1/2022            29,643.17
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 12/1/2022               3,075.79
Elliff Motors  M&R Vehicles 12/1/2022                  770.96
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  159.84
Fairway Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  330.30
Fairway Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,936.00
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 12/1/2022                  152.95
FedEx Office and Print Services  Repro & Print Services 12/1/2022               1,621.44
First Born Productions LLC  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022            16,000.00
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  780.18
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     34.00
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  692.88
Flinn Scientific Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  227.32
Flinn Scientific Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  714.02
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 12/1/2022               3,644.80
Garcia Mora Ricardo Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  204.79
Garcia Nancy Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  106.55
Garza Andres Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     55.00
Garza Daniel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     24.84
Garza Ricardo Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  479.61
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 12/1/2022               3,336.64
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 12/1/2022               1,470.42
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  113.54
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  675.86
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               2,147.97
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 12/1/2022            15,247.36
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022            26,675.00
Gaumard Scientific Co Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  111.00
Gaumard Scientific Co Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,740.00
Global Equipment Co Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     60.95
Global Equipment Co Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/1/2022               1,719.00
Gomez Jose Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  234.56
Gonzalez Ashley Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  236.00
Gonzalez Guadalupe Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     63.92
Gonzalez Jose Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  200.56
Gonzalez Mark Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     33.31
Gonzalez Sefra Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  178.01
Gonzalez Yvette Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                  183.98
Guerra Selena Tuition Reimbursement 12/1/2022                  800.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Consumables 12/1/2022               1,465.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 12/1/2022               7,562.55
Gutierrez Julio Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     29.32
Guzman Daniel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  168.96
HEB LP  Consumables 12/1/2022                  123.44
HEB LP  Educational-Food Purchases 12/1/2022                  519.37
HEB LP  Food Purchased 12/1/2022               1,145.02
Hernandez Elias Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  251.25
Hernandez Leila Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     66.56
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     51.95
Hinojosa Nicholas Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  223.96
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Consumables 12/1/2022                  555.40
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                     29.24
Holiday Inn San Antonio Riverwalk  Travel In-State Hotel 12/1/2022                  352.82
Huerta Ricardo Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  304.44
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Promo Items 12/1/2022               1,200.00
Irlas Hector Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  183.73
J J Keller & Associates Inc  Books & Reference Materials 12/1/2022                  909.86
J J Keller & Associates Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     89.85
Jaramillo Yolonda Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  284.15
Jason's Deli  Food Purchased 12/1/2022                  678.45
Jason's Deli  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     16.00
Johnson Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  359.28
Johnson Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  153.73
Johnstone Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  683.17
Jones Rodney Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  219.50
Jostens Inc  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022            20,247.50
JW Pepper & Son Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/1/2022               2,882.50
Kurita America Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022            13,192.60
Labatt Food Service LLC  Consumables 12/1/2022                  116.75
Labatt Food Service LLC  Food Purchased 12/1/2022               1,675.58
Labatt Food Service LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                       6.59
LindseyJones  Books & Reference Materials 12/1/2022                  369.00
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP  A/P Attorney Fee - Property Tax 12/1/2022            41,896.71
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                  129.54
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  498.00
LMG Sales Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  125.59
Lopez Mario Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  327.75
Lozano Sara Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  207.20
Luna Glass LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/1/2022                  745.00
Madrigal Rodolfo Tuition Reimbursement 12/1/2022                  800.00
Magic Valley Electric Cooperative Inc  Electricity 12/1/2022               4,114.26
Maldonado Aaron Travel Advance 12/1/2022                       7.34
Mancillas Rosangela Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  113.72
Martinez Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     88.75
Matamoros Otoniel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  266.40
McKesson Medical Surgical Government  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                     45.40
Medline Industries Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                     14.55
Medline Industries Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     20.87
Medrano Micheal Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     54.36
Mega Doctor News  Advertising Services 12/1/2022               1,140.00
Miller Emma Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  230.88
Miller Layman Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     31.86
MilTA Central Office  Due to 3rd Parties 12/1/2022                  231.00
Modern Tribe Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/1/2022                  377.79
Molki Saeed Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  223.96
Moreno Jose Tuition Reimbursement 12/1/2022                  800.00
Moreno Karlos Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     17.00
Morrison Supply Co  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  100.00
Morrison Supply Co  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  989.50
National Safety Council  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022                  225.00
National Safety Council  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     15.23
Neupane Prabhat Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  821.25
NewsBank Inc  Subscriptions 12/1/2022               6,831.50
Nicol Scott Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     66.56
Noble Texas Builders LLC  Constr Buildings 12/1/2022            23,095.45
Noble Texas Builders LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/1/2022            34,724.40
NOCTI  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022                  270.00
O'Reilly Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                     78.98
O'Reilly Auto Parts  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                       9.99
OTC Brands Inc  Consumables 12/1/2022                     92.10
Palace Cleaners Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  723.82
PASCO Scientific  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022               1,373.52
PASCO Scientific  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     94.00
PASCO Scientific  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               4,481.40
Peek Kevin Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     57.20
Peek Kevin Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                  135.70
Peek Kevin Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                  117.91
Pena Gabriel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  138.44
Perales Shannon Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  103.08
Plummer David Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  486.30
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022               3,043.76
Pocket Nurse  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/1/2022               2,881.80
Promo Universal LLC  Promo Items 12/1/2022               2,150.00
Ramirez Erika Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     14.19
Ramirez Maricarmen Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                  106.20
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 12/1/2022                  543.97
Region One Education Service Center  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                  125.00
Renner Melissa Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  171.67
Respondek Anita Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                  295.34
RGV Chapter TSCPA Education Foundation  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                  285.00
Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 12/1/2022               1,808.46
Rodriguez Oscar Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     77.13
Rodriguez Paul Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  143.36
Rosenbaum Maby Travel-Incidental 12/1/2022                     72.18
Rosillo Jennifer Travel Advance 12/1/2022                     40.97
Royal Education Center LLC  Child Care Services 12/1/2022                  260.00
Ruiz Sanjuanita Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     42.50
Ruiz Vanessa Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     83.75
Saint Pierre Hilaire Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  230.88
Sale Rachel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  296.00
Salinas San Juanita Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     76.25
Sam's Club Direct  Consumables 12/1/2022                     19.34
Sam's Club Direct  Educational-Food Purchases 12/1/2022                  242.00
Sam's Club Direct  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                     85.96
Sanchez Osiel Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  105.60
Sanchez Teresa Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     37.34
Schermerhorn Ronald Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     82.80
Science Interactive Group LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022            16,744.00
Science Interactive Group LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022               2,570.40
Sepulveda Teo Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     63.50
Serna Mario Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                  114.85
SHI Government Solutions Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 12/1/2022                  675.41
Silk Fashions & Alterations  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  143.00
Socialife News LLC  Advertising Services 12/1/2022               1,540.00
Society for Human Resource Management  Registration Fees 12/1/2022                     30.00
Solano Arturo Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  126.05
Solis Mariana Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     70.40
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 12/1/2022                  274.68
Stutz Auto Service Inc  M&R Vehicles 12/1/2022                  110.31
Sysco Central Texas  Consumables 12/1/2022                  533.76
Sysco Central Texas  Educational-Food Purchases 12/1/2022               5,434.42
Taylor Distributors of Indiana Inc  Cap FMVOE-Furn & Equip > $4,999.99 12/1/2022            11,998.62
Telepro Communications  Construction Other Expense 12/1/2022            14,482.52
Terracon Consultants Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/1/2022               2,890.00
Texas A&M University  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  303.33
Texas Air Products Ltd  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  375.00
Texas Air Products Ltd  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  390.00
Texas Association of School Boards Inc  Membership Dues 12/1/2022                  800.00
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                       9.50
Texas Department of State Health Services  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                  220.00
Texas Gas Service  Natural/Liquid Gas 12/1/2022                  539.96
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board  Miscellaneous Income 12/1/2022                  399.45
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 12/1/2022                  840.00
The Gallery  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/1/2022                     25.98
The Hon Company LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                       3.00
The Hon Company LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                       6.00
The University of Texas Health Science  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022               1,688.50
Trevino Rubio Aracely Travel In-State Per Diem 12/1/2022                     34.56
Truckers Equipment  M&R Vehicles 12/1/2022                  186.70
Underwood Distributing Co  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/1/2022                  134.95
Underwood Distributing Co  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                     11.99
United Rentals North America Inc  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  172.96
United Rentals North America Inc  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                       2.61
United Rentals North America Inc  Rent Equipment 12/1/2022               1,094.57
US Department of Veterans Affairs  Due to 3rd Parties 12/1/2022                  408.00
USH Master Tenant LLC  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 12/1/2022                  401.98
Valerio Jayson Travel In-State Hotel 12/1/2022                  153.69
VARI Sales Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  945.00
VARI Sales Corp  Other Fees & Charges 12/1/2022                     23.63
Villarreal Maria Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                     55.00
Viper Arena LLC  Rent Facilities 12/1/2022            32,000.00
VWR International LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  559.48
Wal Mart  Consumables 12/1/2022               2,017.38
Wal Mart  Educational-Food Purchases 12/1/2022                       1.16
Wal Mart  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  116.98
Wal Mart  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022                  138.25
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 12/1/2022               1,411.50
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  749.49
Weslaco Area Chamber of Commerce  Membership Dues 12/1/2022                  600.00
WEX Bank  Fuels & Lubricants 12/1/2022                     90.80
Williams Wendi Travel-Mileage 12/1/2022                  217.25
Worthington Direct Holdings LLC  Freight Delivery 12/1/2022                  724.54
Worthington Direct Holdings LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/1/2022               1,715.95
Worthington Direct Holdings LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022               1,463.90
Wu Menghung Travel Advance 12/1/2022                  223.96
WW Grainger Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/1/2022                  122.14
WW Grainger Inc  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/1/2022                  220.40
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  575.76
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/1/2022                  373.33
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 12/1/2022               3,561.64
Xerox Corporation  Rent Copiers 12/1/2022            11,925.58
Ysasi Noel Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/1/2022                  300.00
Zapier Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/1/2022                  600.00
ADT Commercial LLC  Security Services 12/6/2022                     62.40
Airgas USA LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                  843.37
Airgas USA LLC  Freight Delivery 12/6/2022                  105.63
Airgas USA LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/6/2022                       6.00
Atencion Selecta LLC  Food Purchased 12/6/2022                     82.50
BridgeNet Communications LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/6/2022                  537.00
Canon Financial Services Inc  Rent Copiers 12/6/2022                  397.87
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                  663.15
Copy Zone  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/6/2022                  963.70
Copy Zone  Repro & Print Services 12/6/2022                  197.03
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Freight Delivery 12/6/2022                  389.89
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/6/2022               1,181.14
DiaMedical USA Equipment LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/6/2022                  737.06
Fastenal Company  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                     11.40
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 12/6/2022                  556.70
Ferguson Enterprises LLC  Freight Delivery 12/6/2022                     25.00
Ferguson Enterprises LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                  315.14
Gulf Coast Paper  Data Hosting Services 12/6/2022                  600.00
Johnstone Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                     17.80
Johnstone Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/6/2022                  144.26
League for Innovation  Registration Fees 12/6/2022               1,000.00
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/6/2022                  725.21
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/6/2022               2,706.00
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Chemicals and Gases 12/6/2022                  523.40
Matheson Tri Gas Inc  Other Fees & Charges 12/6/2022                     61.50
Morrison Supply Co  Freight Delivery 12/6/2022                  100.00
Morrison Supply Co  M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/6/2022               2,670.98
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 12/6/2022                  137.34
Stericycle Inc  Hazard Use Waste Disposal 12/6/2022                     64.83
T Mobile USA Inc  Phone Service 12/6/2022                     41.62
Telepro Communications  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/6/2022                  574.78
The NCHERM Group LLC  Consultant Services 12/6/2022               2,537.50
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 12/6/2022                       8.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 12/6/2022                  793.69
University of Texas at Arlington  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/6/2022                  272.00
US Water Systems Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/6/2022               1,401.63
Via Seating  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/6/2022               2,752.20
Via Seating  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/6/2022                     55.00
VTX Communications LLC  Rent Equipment 12/6/2022                  725.00
VTX Communications LLC  Telecom Rental 12/6/2022               1,500.00
Weber State University  Registration Fees 12/6/2022               4,725.00
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/6/2022                     25.88
WW Grainger Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/6/2022                  738.17
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 12/6/2022               1,573.26
AAF Rio Grande Valley  Sponsorships 12/8/2022                  500.00
Abraham Daffodils Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  151.40
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 12/8/2022                  702.00
AIM Media Texas  Advertising Services 12/8/2022               1,100.00
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  267.80
All Affairs and Occasions  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  330.00
Altemeyer Bradley Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     49.88
Amigo Power Equipment  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  387.73
Amigo Power Equipment  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022                  258.75
Anciso Gloria Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     92.88
Anthology Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022            55,727.00
Armadillo Clay & Supplies  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/8/2022                  160.00
Armadillo Clay & Supplies  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                  125.91
Arteaga Claudia Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  182.51
Authentic  Promo Items 12/8/2022               3,580.00
AVIXA Inc  License Fees 12/8/2022                  175.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 12/8/2022               1,061.96
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     15.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Computer Supplies 12/8/2022                  128.96
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                  178.05
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  493.10
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/8/2022               1,214.36
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/8/2022               4,376.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  M&R Computer Equipment 12/8/2022                  359.98
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  895.48
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               2,217.88
Babineaux Amanda Travel Advance 12/8/2022               1,126.40
Balboa Samantha Travel Advance 12/8/2022                     39.20
Bar B Cutie Smokehouse  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                     93.48
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers LLC  Books & Reference Materials 12/8/2022               2,440.15
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers LLC  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/8/2022               1,302.00
Barrientos Jennifer Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022                  670.00
Best Buy Business Advantage Account  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                  104.36
Best Buy Business Advantage Account  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/8/2022               3,999.98
Best Buy Business Advantage Account  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  949.99
Bicycle World RGV  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  160.00
Big John Site Serves  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022                     50.00
Big John Site Serves  Rent Equipment 12/8/2022                  200.00
Billings Janelle Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     25.38
Blair James Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  175.00
Boggus Motor Sales II LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022               1,162.95
Boultinghouse Simpson Gates Architects Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/8/2022               2,359.39
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Consumables 12/8/2022                  920.18
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022               1,639.70
Brightly Software Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/8/2022            24,446.32
Burton Companies LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  240.93
Burton Companies LLC  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                     33.39
Burton Companies LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  273.24
Bush Supply Company  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  999.20
Campos Yolanda Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/8/2022               2,407.00
Campuzano Ruby Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  154.56
Cantu Pedro Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     11.00
Cantu Rosalinda Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  123.65
Cantu's Special Events  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022               3,605.00
Carats FJ LLC  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  654.40
Carolina Biological Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022               1,554.31
Carolina Biological Supply  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                  200.00
Castaneda Leonardo Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  232.65
Castillo Ramon Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               3,000.00
Cavallo Energy Texas LLC  Electricity 12/8/2022          230,093.68
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 12/8/2022                     36.61
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     87.43
CDW Government  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                     96.95
CDW Government  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  398.90
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  540.47
CDW Government  Office Supplies 12/8/2022                  118.80
Cengage Learning Inc  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 12/8/2022               2,347.09
Central Plumbing & Electric Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                     17.99
Central Plumbing & Electric Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  710.50
Chamberlain Jenny Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  150.94
Chapa Fernando Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     85.44
City of McAllen  Sponsorships 12/8/2022            25,000.00
City of McAllen  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/8/2022               9,529.18
City of Pharr  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022                     30.00
City of Rio Grande City  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/8/2022               2,913.91
City of Weslaco  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/8/2022                  914.30
Confetti Unlimited  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022               2,737.50
Confetti Unlimited  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     35.00
Crawford Electric Supply Company Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  480.48
CRC  Computer Supplies 12/8/2022                  498.00
CRC  M&R Computer Equipment 12/8/2022               1,724.00
CRC  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               6,284.00
Culpepper Lacy CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/8/2022                     50.78
DBR Engineering Consultants Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/8/2022               1,204.50
De Leon Rebecca Travel Advance 12/8/2022                  239.78
Dealers Electrical Supply Co  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     20.00
Dealers Electrical Supply Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  190.48
Delia's  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  292.41
Delia's  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     15.00
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 12/8/2022               1,071.20
Dell Marketing LP  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/8/2022            14,798.98
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               7,740.28
Dell Marketing LP  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  335.90
Diaz Floors & Interiors Inc  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022            13,543.68
Dream Designs  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               1,727.00
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 12/8/2022                  342.66
EBSCO Information Services  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 12/8/2022               1,483.43
EBSCO Information Services  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022                  250.00
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 12/8/2022               1,910.40
Educator Training & Consulting  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               1,000.00
El Periodico USA  Advertising Services 12/8/2022               3,504.00
Elliff Motors  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022                  770.96
Eureste Esmeralda Travel In-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                     48.65
Event Supply LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  112.77
Fastsigns  Repro & Print Services 12/8/2022                     63.51
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 12/8/2022                     25.39
Flores Juan Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     22.50
Flores Mario CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/8/2022                     32.42
Flores Sylvia Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  185.49
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 12/8/2022               1,279.36
Fuentes Jorge Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  306.31
Gadson Mark Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     36.00
Galloso Jessica Travel In-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  242.98
Garcia Nancy Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  128.18
Garza Armando Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     62.25
Garza Cynthia Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  298.75
Garza Maria Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  212.63
Garza Mariztel Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     60.56
Garza Oscar Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  183.75
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 12/8/2022                  165.56
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 12/8/2022                  919.77
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                     38.80
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  717.65
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               2,256.54
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 12/8/2022            10,357.96
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               1,440.00
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Repro & Print Services 12/8/2022                  584.15
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Telecom Parts/supplies 12/8/2022                  233.99
Gimkit Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022               1,000.00
GoEngineer Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022               7,500.00
Golf Cart Crossing  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022               2,041.50
Gomez Jeanette Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  104.38
Gonzalez Lisa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  201.63
Gonzalez Maria Travel Advance 12/8/2022                     39.20
Gonzalez Mark Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     94.63
Gonzalez Ruben Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  120.00
Groves Moving & Storage Co  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               2,100.00
Guerra Joaquina Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     37.50
Hal Leonard LLC  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/8/2022               1,297.95
Hal Leonard LLC  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     74.00
HEB LP  Consumables 12/8/2022                  211.41
HEB LP  Educational-Food Purchases 12/8/2022                  105.69
HEB LP  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  990.22
Hernandez Mauro Consultant Services 12/8/2022               4,000.00
Hernandez Pablo Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     52.50
Hicks Jeremiah Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  277.81
Hidalgo County Irrigation Dist #1  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022               1,038.20
Hirmas Crista Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  155.72
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Consumables 12/8/2022                  849.54
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  122.13
Hollifield James Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  393.75
Hollifield Jocelyn Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  180.00
Huber Richard Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  428.94
Hughes Marc Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     43.75
Image Access Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 12/8/2022               2,706.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Uniforms 12/8/2022               2,600.22 Inc  Advertising Services 12/8/2022                  400.00
Johnson Controls Inc  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022               5,977.86
Johnstone Supply  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     35.00
Johnstone Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  352.28
Johnstone Supply  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  239.98
Jorge Celina Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  174.00
Jorgensen Carlyn Travel Advance 12/8/2022                  139.39
Knapp Medical Center  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022                     26.55
Knapp Medical Center  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/8/2022                     50.15
Labatt Food Service LLC  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                     22.30
Labatt Food Service LLC  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                       6.59
Leadership Empowerment Group  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               3,375.00
Leal Edna Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     35.50
Leal Fernanda Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     63.75
Levine Andrew Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               2,500.00
Lily's Little Kids Daycare  Child Care Services 12/8/2022                  400.00
Little Shining Stars Inc  Child Care Services 12/8/2022                     60.00
Lopez Alejandra Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  165.00
Lopez Lynda Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                     53.04
LRP Conferences LLC  Registration Fees 12/8/2022                  410.00
Manpower US Inc  Prior Year - Voucher Payable 12/8/2022                  562.42
Manpower US Inc  Temporary Services 12/8/2022               3,679.04
Martinez Arturo Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  408.00
Martinez Rene Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  145.25
Martinez Salvador Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  126.00
Melhart Music  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  143.98
Mendoza Michelle Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  156.87
Metro Electric Inc  Constr Buildings 12/8/2022               9,462.95
Miller Steven Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     47.13
Mission Economic Development Corp  Rent Facilities 12/8/2022                  100.00
Moore Rosemond Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  183.38
Mougharbel Fadi Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  440.00
Munoz Eva Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  153.13
National Office Furniture Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/8/2022               4,708.80
National Office Furniture Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  900.45
National Office Furniture Inc  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022                  168.28
National Office Furniture Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  845.00
Noble Texas Builders LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022            11,074.15
Olivares-Alarcon Jose Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  346.43
O'Neil Lorne Honorariums 12/8/2022                  810.00
Ortiz Francisco Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  108.50
Palacios Jocelyne Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  128.56
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022                  121.80
PBK Architects Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/8/2022            15,755.24
Peek Kevin Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  173.69
Perez Jesusa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  177.63
Perez Joseph Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                     22.13
Peter Piper Pizza  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  514.21
Petrosian Anahid Travel In-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  153.43
Pix4D Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/8/2022               1,396.00
Plummer David Food Purchased 12/8/2022                     45.50
Plummer David Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  185.00
Pocket Nurse  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022               1,261.27
Pocket Nurse  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/8/2022                  236.59
Pottle Holly Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  231.44
Practice Management Institute  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  660.00
Project Management Institute Inc  Membership Dues 12/8/2022                  139.00
Promo Universal LLC  Promo Items 12/8/2022               1,770.00
Ramirez Jesus Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  530.62
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 12/8/2022                  356.98
Rental World  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                  200.00
Rental World  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022                     59.25
Rental World  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  150.00
Rental World  Rent Equipment 12/8/2022                  411.00
Reyna Denise Travel Advance 12/8/2022                     54.44
RGV Concessions LLC  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022               6,183.90
RGV Concessions LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               1,113.10
Rice Sharon Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  450.00
Rio Grande Concrete Accessories & Supplies Ltd  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     50.00
Rio Grande Concrete Accessories & Supplies Ltd  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  455.31
Rios Jose Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  200.00
Rios San Juanita Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  154.50
Rochester Armored Car Co Inc  Armored Car Services 12/8/2022               1,344.87
Rodriguez Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     96.25
Rodriguez Lopez Luisa Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                       5.84
Royal Education Center LLC  Child Care Services 12/8/2022                  600.00
Ruiz Jose Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  212.50
Saenz Felisa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  843.75
SAGE Publications Inc  Subscriptions 12/8/2022            12,000.00
Salazar Victor Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  120.00
Sale Rachel Travel In-State Hotel 12/8/2022                     45.00
Sale Rachel Travel In-State Per Diem 12/8/2022                  193.20
Sale Rachel Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                     43.04
Sale Rachel Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  135.64
Salem Press Product Line  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 12/8/2022               2,104.00
Salinas Bryahne Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  120.00
Salinas Fernando Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022                  200.00
Sanchez Guadalupe CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/8/2022                  237.22
Sanchez Kristen Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  133.75
Sanchez Osiel Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  212.50
Secure Elevator Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               5,600.00
Select Staff  Temporary Services 12/8/2022               3,471.00
Sepulveda Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  194.69
Siemens Industry Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               1,730.48
Silva Juan Travel-Incidental 12/8/2022                  117.28
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/8/2022               1,021.25
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Phone Service 12/8/2022               6,694.88
Smartcom Telephone LLC  Telecom Rental 12/8/2022               4,056.00
Snap on Industrial  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022                  500.00
Soti Bimal Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  150.06
Soto Tahyra Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  202.00
South Texas Communications Inc  M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/8/2022                  100.00
Southern Tire Mart LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/8/2022                     25.00
Spherion Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 12/8/2022               4,635.42
Starr County Gas System  Natural/Liquid Gas 12/8/2022               1,420.00
Starr County Town Crier LLC  Advertising Services 12/8/2022                  663.81
Stericycle Inc  Hazard Use Waste Disposal 12/8/2022                     48.62
Steve Weiss Music Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022                  274.00
Strongline Security & Fire  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022                  110.00
Terra Fuerte Construction LLC  Constr Buildings 12/8/2022            27,429.57
Terra Fuerte Construction LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022            75,109.02
Texas Chiller Systems LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/8/2022            10,526.00
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 12/8/2022                     23.00
Texas Department of State Health Services  Penalties & Fines 12/8/2022                  495.00
Texas Gas Service  Natural/Liquid Gas 12/8/2022               1,181.16
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 12/8/2022                  840.00
Texas Wood Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  512.94
The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research  Registration Fees 12/8/2022                  450.00
The Sherwin Williams Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022               1,349.25
The Sign Depot  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022                  499.06
The University of Texas Health Science  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               1,688.50
The Warren Group Architects Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/8/2022               4,330.04
Thomson Reuters  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022                  103.15
TLC Total Lawn Care LLC  Grounds Maintenance Services 12/8/2022            26,861.53
Turrubiates Lisa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     34.06
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 12/8/2022                  179.07
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Freight Delivery 12/8/2022                     16.00
Unifirst Holdings Inc  Uniforms 12/8/2022                  889.24
Upper Valley Mail Services LLC  Postage 12/8/2022               3,133.77
US Omni & TSACG Compliance  Consultant Services 12/8/2022                  500.00
Valerio Jayson Travel In-State Hotel 12/8/2022                  326.48
Vasquez Consulting Services  Consultant Services 12/8/2022               9,000.00
Vaughan Melissa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  438.75
Veliz Liza Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     42.50
Vergara Ernesto Honorariums 12/8/2022                  800.00
Villagran Rosendo Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  131.25
Wal Mart  Consumables 12/8/2022               2,396.31
Wal Mart  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  151.64
Wal Mart  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/8/2022                  321.26
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 12/8/2022                  622.59
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/8/2022               1,692.40
Walters Lisa Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     49.00
Waste Management of Texas Inc  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/8/2022                  279.21
Webcheckout  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022            16,473.00
Webcheckout  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/8/2022               3,500.00
Williams Wendi Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                  177.75
Winsupply Rio Grande Valley TX Co  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  707.07
Wrightsoft Corporation  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/8/2022               2,019.00
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/8/2022                  346.16
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 12/8/2022                  984.03
Xerox Corporation  Rent Copiers 12/8/2022               4,609.85
Ysasi Noel Travel-Mileage 12/8/2022                     23.00
Carahsoft Technology Corp  License Fees 12/9/2022                  699.00
Airgas USA LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  539.96
Airgas USA LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/13/2022                  762.10
Airgas USA LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/13/2022                     17.77
Alamo Iron Works  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  104.33
Alamo Iron Works  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/13/2022               1,380.36
American Medical Assn  Subscriptions 12/13/2022               2,479.00
Amigos Library Services  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/13/2022               5,425.00
Association of Energy Engineers  Membership Dues 12/13/2022                  195.00
AutoZone Stores LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  122.06  Uniforms 12/13/2022                  439.00
Beta Technology Inc  Janitorial Supplies 12/13/2022                  712.95
BridgeNet Communications LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/13/2022                  328.00
Bumper to Bumper Easy CDL LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/13/2022                  180.70
Chick Fil A 27th & Nolana  Food Purchased 12/13/2022                  204.62
Copy Graphics Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 12/13/2022                  125.00
Demco Inc  Consumables 12/13/2022                     74.68
Flinn Scientific Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  173.09
Flinn Scientific Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/13/2022                  714.02
Global Equipment Co Inc  Freight Delivery 12/13/2022                     25.00
Global Equipment Co Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  210.96
Gulf Coast Paper  Consumables 12/13/2022                  215.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  138.00
Gulf Coast Paper  Janitorial Supplies 12/13/2022            19,589.29
Gulf Coast Paper  M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/13/2022                  560.26
Harvard Business Review  Subscriptions 12/13/2022                  120.00
HOLT Cat  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/13/2022               1,473.20
Infobase Learning  Subscriptions 12/13/2022               6,375.00
International Nursing Assn for Clinical  Membership Dues 12/13/2022                  606.00
J&B Medical Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  478.90
Johnstone Supply  Chemicals and Gases 12/13/2022                     35.94
Johnstone Supply  Freight Delivery 12/13/2022                     20.00
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/13/2022                  220.33
Liquid Environmental Solutions of Texas LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/13/2022               1,137.12
McCoys Building Supply  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022               3,200.61
McCoys Building Supply  Freight Delivery 12/13/2022                     27.00
McCoys Building Supply  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  798.96
O'Reilly Auto Parts  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  211.72
Pan American Auto LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/13/2022                  354.04
Pearson VUE  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/13/2022               3,700.00
Peter Piper Pizza  Food Purchased 12/13/2022                     84.90 Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/13/2022                  522.00
Space Jump Rentals  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/13/2022               1,045.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-AXA Equitable Li 12/13/2022                  500.00
University Drafthouse McAllen LLC  Food Purchased 12/13/2022               1,150.00
University Drafthouse McAllen LLC  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/13/2022                  280.00
Verizon Wireless  Telecom Rental 12/13/2022               2,462.29
VWR International LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  227.68
VWR International LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/13/2022               1,113.38
VWR International LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/13/2022               1,661.24
Weber State University  Registration Fees 12/13/2022               1,575.00
WW Grainger Inc  Consumables 12/13/2022                  139.50
WW Grainger Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  335.50
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/13/2022                  139.53
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 12/13/2022               4,108.14
5 Star GC Construction LLC  Constr Buildings 12/14/2022            42,892.50
Dell Marketing LP  Computer Supplies 12/14/2022                  258.50
Dell Marketing LP  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/14/2022            61,805.09
Holchemont Ltd  Constr Buildings 12/14/2022            73,012.25
Kimber 1985 LLC  Constr Buildings 12/14/2022            43,740.14
LeaseQuery LLC  Data Hosting Services 12/14/2022            37,910.00
LeaseQuery LLC  Other Fees & Charges 12/14/2022               5,000.00
Met Life Insurance  MET Life Insurance 12/14/2022                     12.10
Noble Texas Builders LLC  Constr Buildings 12/14/2022            72,038.50
SHI Government Solutions Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/14/2022          203,647.31
Starr County Appraisal Dist  Appraisal Fees 12/14/2022            30,333.50
Texas Assn of School Boards Risk  Insurance-Auto 12/14/2022            15,669.50
Texas Assn of School Boards Risk  Insurance-Liability 12/14/2022          107,706.75
TLC Total Lawn Care LLC  Grounds Maintenance Services 12/14/2022            36,870.35
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity AETNA 12/14/2022               2,770.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-20th Century 12/14/2022               4,785.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-AXA Equitable Li 12/14/2022            11,785.30
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Fidelity 12/14/2022            13,452.77
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-GRT Americ 12/14/2022                  425.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Kemper Inv 12/14/2022                     50.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Lincoln Investments 12/14/2022                  600.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Security Benefit 12/14/2022                  700.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-TIAA/Cref 12/14/2022               2,850.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Variable 12/14/2022               1,700.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-Waddel Red 12/14/2022               2,550.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-20th Century 12/14/2022            12,212.02
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-AETNA 12/14/2022            15,133.91
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Fidelity Investment 12/14/2022            36,032.57
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Great Amer Reserve 12/14/2022               2,577.78
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Kemper Invest 12/14/2022               1,788.75
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Lincoln Investment Planning 12/14/2022               1,822.84
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Lincoln National 12/14/2022               1,352.52
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Teachers Insurance 12/14/2022            13,646.76
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-USAA Investment Mgmt 12/14/2022               3,656.29
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Variable An Life 12/14/2022               9,746.35
TSA Consulting Group Inc  ORP-Waddel & Reed 12/14/2022            12,414.80
United Way of South Texas  United Way-Hidalgo 12/14/2022               1,630.66
Upswing  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/14/2022          192,000.00
Yvonne V Valdez Chapter 13 Trustee  Legal Judgements 12/14/2022               5,241.43
Acevedo Mariano Travel In-State Hotel 12/15/2022                  671.92
Acevedo Mariano Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                     96.31
Advance Publishing LLC  Advertising Services 12/15/2022                  516.75
Adventureland Academy 2 LLC  Child Care Services 12/15/2022                  400.00
All Affairs and Occasions  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                     93.75
Almanza Maria Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  129.87
Alma's Daycare Center  Child Care Services 12/15/2022                  800.00
Alonso Maria Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  228.75
Alvarez Cristina Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     43.75
Alvarez Rita CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022                     93.98
Amaro Julio Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     21.25
American Databank LLC  Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/15/2022               1,496.00
Apple Inc  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/15/2022               3,278.00
Apple Inc  M&R Computer Equipment 12/15/2022                  396.00
Apple Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  838.00
Archer Joseph Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  103.25
Architectural Division 8 Inc  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/15/2022               1,795.00
AT&T Corp  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022                       7.00
Atencion Selecta LLC  Food Purchased 12/15/2022               4,610.00
Avilez Abdaly Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     39.06
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                     58.00
Ayvaz Pizza LLC  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                       5.00
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Consumables 12/15/2022                  251.68
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     76.83
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                     89.92
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/15/2022               8,363.49
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                     37.90
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  421.62
Banda Luis Travel Advance 12/15/2022               6,702.08
Banda Luis Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     99.76
Best Buy Business Advantage Account  Consumables 12/15/2022                  107.91
Billings Janelle CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022                  191.18
Blair James Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     37.50
Boggus Motor Sales II LLC  M&R Vehicles 12/15/2022                  492.23
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Consumables 12/15/2022                  327.54
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  630.00
Bound Tree Medical LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  530.58
Bright Beginnings Learning Center  Child Care Services 12/15/2022                  800.00
Bug Off Pest Control  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022                  300.00
Builders FirstSource Inc  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     25.00
Builders FirstSource Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  322.00
CADM USA Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/15/2022            22,837.00
Camacho Jose Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  169.76
Campos Yolanda Spnsr Book Supply & Misc Exp-Local 12/15/2022               1,496.00
Cantu Alejandra Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  227.00
Cantu Alina Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  178.62
Cantu Eduardo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     21.25
Cantu Martha Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     47.50
Cantu's Special Events  Rent Equipment 12/15/2022                     50.00
Caraveo Veronica M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/15/2022                  540.00
Carr Riggs & Ingram LLC  Financial, Accounting & Audit Svcs 12/15/2022            33,800.00
Carver Mayra Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  209.25
Casaperalta Velazquez Nadia Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  155.00
Castaneda Leonardo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  151.75
Castillo Ana Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  232.56
Cavazos Christina Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  101.22
CDW Government  Computer Supplies 12/15/2022               1,058.20
CDW Government  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     25.04
CDW Government  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  118.70
CDW Government  M&R Computer Equipment 12/15/2022                  107.70
CDW Government  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  239.18
Central Air & Heating Service Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022               1,887.50
Chapa Fernando Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  234.49
Chapa Yvonne Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     13.50
Chavez Leonor Travel In-State Hotel 12/15/2022                  214.42
Cherokee Nation  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               2,000.00
Chris Garcia Photography  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022                  605.00
City of McAllen  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/15/2022            15,768.54
City of Weslaco  Water, Sewer & Garbage 12/15/2022               9,124.99
Community Council of the Rio Grande Valley Inc  Cap Library Books/Audio/Visual 12/15/2022                     80.00
Cornerstone Catering  Food Purchased 12/15/2022            12,000.00
Cornerstone Catering  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022               1,200.00
Corpus Luis Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  126.45
CPR Services  License Fees 12/15/2022               3,750.00
CRC Development & Construction Co LLC  Constr Buildings 12/15/2022          180,215.00
Criterion Pictures  Other Fees & Charges 12/15/2022                  275.00
Cruz Joe Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     75.38
Cuestas Julio Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     33.04
Curiel Gilberto Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     21.25
Dallas Custom Counter Tops  M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/15/2022                  540.00
De La Garza Ricardo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  561.51
De La Rosa Leslie Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     22.50
De Leon Rebecca Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  129.88
De Zenea Rosalba Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     52.50
Delia's  Food Purchased 12/15/2022               1,738.32
Diehl Joseph Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  372.13
Door Control Services  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/15/2022               5,878.00
Doyon Foundation  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               3,200.00
Dream Designs  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     90.00
Dream Designs  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  149.00
EAN Holdings LLC  Travel-Car Rental 12/15/2022                  528.98
Echo Travel Agency  Other Fees & Charges 12/15/2022                     35.00
Echo Travel Agency  Travel Out-of-State Airfare 12/15/2022               1,896.21
Edible Rio Grande Valley  Advertising Services 12/15/2022               4,000.00
Elizondo Maria Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                       6.31
Elsevier BV  Subscriptions 12/15/2022               3,171.40
Escobedo Jorge Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     21.25
Esmaeili Ghanbar Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  187.75
Espino Omar Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     48.25
Fairway Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  634.25
Federal Express Corporation  Postage 12/15/2022                  322.99
FedEx Office and Print Services  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/15/2022               2,370.18
Fiesta Cleaners Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022                     26.10
Fisher Scientific Company LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022               2,422.12
FPS Staffing  Temporary Services 12/15/2022               1,822.40
Fuentes Jorge Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     70.69
Garcia Frederick Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  526.51
Garcia John Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     24.00
Garcia Joshua Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  141.25
Garcia Mariadelcarmen Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  156.00
Garcia Nancy Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     30.37
Garcia Nancy Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  119.81
Garza Andres Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  110.00
Garza Armando Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     20.75
Garza Daniel Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Garza Horacio Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  108.50
Garza Maria Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     47.25
Garza Oscar Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     52.50
Garza Ricardo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  422.50
Garza Saul Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  116.06
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Computer Supplies 12/15/2022               3,265.64
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Consumables 12/15/2022                  365.46
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Educational-Classroom Part/Supplies 12/15/2022                  195.44
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Computer Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022               1,077.55
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  559.50
Gateway Printing & Office Supply Inc  Office Supplies 12/15/2022            11,390.05
Ginez Randy Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Ginez Randy Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     29.76
Gonzales Maria Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022               1,356.25
Gonzales Trinidad Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  334.96
Gonzalez Alejandro Travel In-State Hotel 12/15/2022               1,189.90
Gonzalez Ashley Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  235.75
Gonzalez Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     88.75
Gonzalez Jose Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  643.50
Gonzalez Lisa Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  258.75
Gonzalez Mark Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                       7.88
Gonzalez Nadia Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  262.50
GT Distributors Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  538.65
GT Distributors Inc  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     20.00
Guerrero Law Firm  Legal Services 12/15/2022               8,131.75
Gutierrez Nicolas Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  171.06
HEB LP  Consumables 12/15/2022                  195.10
HEB LP  Food Purchased 12/15/2022               1,310.01
Hernandez Concepcion Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     36.58
Hernandez Edward Travel In-State Hotel 12/15/2022                  271.28
Hernandez Edward Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  108.80
Hernandez Edward Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  192.50
Hernandez Leila Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     16.64
Hicks Jeremiah Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  106.88
Hilltop Securities Asset Management LLC  Arbitrage Calculation Fees 12/15/2022               2,400.00
Hinojosa Guerra Consuelo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  153.13
Hinojosa Robert-Jacob Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Hispanic Assn of Colleges & Universities  Membership Dues 12/15/2022            11,325.00
Ho Robert Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     83.01
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/15/2022                  129.72
Hollifield James Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  112.50
Hopkins Patrick Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  111.75
Huber Richard Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     89.56
Hughes Marc Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     78.75
Institutional Compliance Solutions LLC  Data Hosting Services 12/15/2022               2,000.00
Jacob Teena Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  111.16
Jaramillo Yolonda Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  334.56
Johnson Beena Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     44.40
Jones Rodney Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  567.00
Jonesville Paper Tube Corp  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/15/2022               2,472.97
Jonesville Paper Tube Corp  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                  863.71
Kanopy LLC  Subscriptions 12/15/2022                  300.00
Kele Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  785.68
KEYper Systems  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                     27.45
KEYper Systems  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                     16.50
Kings III of America LLC  M&R Telecom Equipment 12/15/2022                  208.85
Kings III of America LLC  Phone Service 12/15/2022                  179.18
Krueger International Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022            11,625.12
Krueger International Inc  Other Fees & Charges 12/15/2022               1,162.51
Labatt Food Service LLC  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                  647.40
Labatt Food Service LLC  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                       6.59
Lane Earl Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     53.76
Lee Louis Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  415.63
Lightcast  Subscriptions 12/15/2022            13,200.00
LMG Sales Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                     15.98
Lonestar Education and Research Network  Consultant Services-Computer 12/15/2022               2,000.00
Lopez Mario Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  218.50
Luna Glass LLC  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/15/2022                  175.00
Magnet Forensics USA Inc  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/15/2022               3,000.00
Maldonado Jaime Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     55.00
Mancillas Rosangela Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     52.50
Mantle Timothy M&R Furnish & Equipment 12/15/2022                  115.00
Martinez Ricardo Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Masten Daniela Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     40.00
Matamoros Otoniel Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  212.38
Matthews Thomas Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  431.25
Matulewicz Rosario Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  638.00
McAllen Sports Inc  Repro & Print Services 12/15/2022                     35.00
Metro Electric Inc  Constr Improve Land 12/15/2022               5,567.95
Miranda Carolina Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Mireles Francisco Travel Advance 12/15/2022                  174.08
Mireles Francisco Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  283.06
Monsivais Carolina Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022               1,116.77
Montiel Arturo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  195.38
Moore Kimberly Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     24.84
Morales Alexandra Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  301.88
Morin Mario Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     98.43
Morrison Bryant Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  138.94
Ms G's Tacos N More Inc  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                     29.60
Munguia Marcelo Maria Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  669.44
Munoz Eva Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  134.88
Murray Joshua Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     72.75
MyBinding LLC  Inv Furn & Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/15/2022               5,281.47
National League for Nursing  Membership Dues 12/15/2022               2,210.00
Netsync Network Solutions  Inv Comp Equip $1,000 - $4,999.99 12/15/2022               2,250.46
Nguma Elibariki CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               1,165.85
Nicol Scott Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     16.64
Nino-Montes Joanna Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  159.00
Oasis Quality Car Wash  M&R Vehicles 12/15/2022                  150.00
Outpost24 Inc  Non Inv Software License $0-$999.99 12/15/2022               6,500.00
PASCO Scientific  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  845.00
PASCO Scientific  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                       9.00
Paz Pedro Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  109.00
Pearson VUE  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/15/2022               3,335.00
Pena Jose Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     31.74
Perez Jesusa Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     36.50
Peter Piper Pizza  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                  138.88
Poll Everywhere Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/15/2022               2,000.00
Pottle Holly Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     81.56
Practice Management Institute  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022               1,592.00
Promo Universal LLC  Promo Items 12/15/2022               1,775.00
PSJA Tri City Education Foundation  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               1,000.00
Quality Networks Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022            22,000.00
Quill LLC  Computer Supplies 12/15/2022                     30.12
Quintero Eduardo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  835.31
Raba Kistner Inc  Constr Architect/Engineering Svcs 12/15/2022               4,993.00
Rackspace US Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/15/2022               5,702.38
ReachLocal Inc  Advertising Services 12/15/2022            27,500.00
Red Wing Business Advantage Account  Uniforms 12/15/2022                  522.72
Reinitz Larissa Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  410.63
Renner Melissa Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  175.92
Requena Laura Travel In-State Hotel 12/15/2022                  762.35
Reyes German Travel Advance 12/15/2022                     33.04
Reyes Gilberto Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  205.00
Reyna Jesus Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  143.00
Reyna Tomas Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  110.00
RGV Reprographics  Construction Repro & Print Services 12/15/2022                  478.05
Rice Sharon Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  168.75
Rio Motor Co  M&R Vehicles 12/15/2022                  175.00
Rittenhouse Book Distributors Inc  Data Hosting Services 12/15/2022               1,200.00
Rodriguez Bravo Marco Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     31.74
Rodriguez Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     21.38
Rodriguez Fidel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  257.13
Rodriguez Joel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  193.50
Rodriguez Juan Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  769.13
Rodriguez Lopez Luisa Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                       5.04
Rodriquez Simon Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     90.00
Romy Sherly Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  151.40
Rosas Maria Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     57.50
RQI Partners LLC  License Fees 12/15/2022                  149.00
RSA Security LLC  Registration Fees 12/15/2022                  725.00
Saenz Felisa Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  168.75
Saenz Patricia Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     55.00
Salazar Graciela Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  157.00
Saldana Samuel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     88.75
Sale Rachel Travel Out-of-State Airfare 12/15/2022                  451.20
Sale Rachel Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                  161.26
Salinas Glenda Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     83.75
Sam's Club Direct  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  949.80
San Antonio Area Foundation  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               2,000.00
Sarmiento Angela Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     86.38
Schermerhorn Ronald Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  219.00
Schindler Elevator Corp  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/15/2022            16,080.47
Sepulveda Carlos Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     27.81
Sepulveda Teo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     55.56
Shaath Nayef Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     17.50
Silcox Lucian Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  137.13
Soto Tahyra Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  293.00
South Texas Food Bank  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022                     58.95
Southern Assn of Colleges and Schools  Accreditation Fees 12/15/2022               1,000.00
Spherion Staffing LLC  Temporary Services 12/15/2022                  717.60
Strata Information Group  Consultant Services-Computer 12/15/2022                  306.25
Strongline Security & Fire  M&R Buildings/Improvements 12/15/2022                  715.00
Strongline Security & Fire  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022               4,320.00
Suarez Ruben Travel Out-of-State Airfare 12/15/2022                  480.20
Suarez Ruben Travel Out-of-State Hotel 12/15/2022                     31.64
Suarez Ruben Travel Out-of-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  303.60
Suarez Ruben Travel-Car Rental 12/15/2022                  237.54
Suarez Ruben Travel-Incidental 12/15/2022                     80.00
Sysco Central Texas  Consumables 12/15/2022                  301.34
Sysco Central Texas  Educational-Food Purchases 12/15/2022                     25.40
T2 Systems Inc  Purchased Contracted Services-Oper 12/15/2022               1,100.00
Technical Laboratory Systems Inc  Computer Supplies 12/15/2022               2,274.00
Technical Laboratory Systems Inc  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                  202.00
Technical Laboratory Systems Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  100.00
Texas Assn of School Boards Risk  Insurance-Liability 12/15/2022               7,453.00
Texas Gas Service  Natural/Liquid Gas 12/15/2022                  870.24
Texas Library Association  Membership Dues 12/15/2022                  100.00
Texas Staffing Pros LLC  Temporary Services 12/15/2022                  693.00
The Eliza Jane Hotel  Travel Out-of-State Hotel 12/15/2022                  900.10
The Sherwin Williams Co  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022            16,607.77
Thomson Reuters  M&R Software and License Renewals 12/15/2022                  103.15
THRYV Inc  Advertising Services 12/15/2022                  138.00
Toral Anita Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                  862.50
Trevino Maria Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     56.88
Tritech Enterprises LLC  Registration Fees 12/15/2022               2,550.00
TryHackMe Ltd  Prior Year - Voucher Payable 12/15/2022            10,000.00
UBEO LLC  Rent Copiers 12/15/2022                     25.82
United Rentals North America Inc  Freight Delivery 12/15/2022                  710.78
United Rentals North America Inc  Other Fees & Charges 12/15/2022                       6.55
United Rentals North America Inc  Rent Equipment 12/15/2022               3,617.00
Vaisala Inc  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  519.00
Valley Automobile Dealers Assn  CY Deposits Held-Other Outflow 12/15/2022               1,000.00
VARI Sales Corp  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  472.50
VARI Sales Corp  Other Fees & Charges 12/15/2022                     23.63
Verizon Wireless  Telecom Rental 12/15/2022               2,898.36
Viera Gabriel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  194.07
Villagran Rosendo Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     76.25
Villarreal Cruz Travel In-State Per Diem 12/15/2022                     44.80
VIP Learning Center  Child Care Services 12/15/2022                  400.00
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc  Fuels & Lubricants 12/15/2022            15,806.50
VWR International LLC  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022               3,508.30
VWR International LLC  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  414.58
Wal Mart  Consumables 12/15/2022                  592.02
Wal Mart  Educational-Testing & Graduation 12/15/2022                     77.75
Wal Mart  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                  136.54
Wal Mart  Non Inv Furni & Equip $0 - $999.99 12/15/2022                  753.36
Weber Nathaniel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                     12.32
Williams Lynell Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  285.94
WW Grainger Inc  Consumables 12/15/2022                  178.95
WW Grainger Inc  Hardware/Materials/Parts/Supplies 12/15/2022                  628.75
WW Grainger Inc  Uniforms 12/15/2022                     13.46
Xerox Business Solutions Southwest  Rent Copiers 12/15/2022               4,041.21
Ysasi Noel Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                       8.63
Zaycor Management Company  Food Purchased 12/15/2022                  120.00
Zents Jeffrey Travel-Mileage 12/15/2022                  839.37
Atencion Selecta LLC  Food Purchased 12/16/2022               2,160.00
City of McAllen  Other Fees & Charges 12/16/2022                     70.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Promo Items 12/16/2022                  675.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Repro & Print Services 12/16/2022                  292.00
Imprezos Pro Uniforms LLC  Uniforms 12/16/2022                  202.40
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP  A/P Attorney Fee - Property Tax 12/16/2022            39,869.37
Triangle Engineering Inc  Educational-Lab Parts/Supplies 12/16/2022            24,900.00
Triangle Engineering Inc  Freight Delivery 12/16/2022               2,742.00
TSA Consulting Group Inc  Annuity-AXA Equitable Li 12/16/2022                  500.00
US Department of Veterans Affairs  Due to 3rd Parties 12/16/2022            14,461.63
     3,476,219.01 Total Accounts Payable
           95,418.91 Total Student Refunds
     7,088,759.91 Total Net Payroll
   10,660,397.83 Total Disbursements